
2016 Excellence in Journalism Contest Open For Entries

The CTSPJ 2016 Excellence in Journalism Contest is now open for entries.

You can enter the contest here.

Last year, CTSPJ revised its contest to reflect changes in the industry. Based on feedback and entry numbers, we made one more adjustment in circulation classes this year. Magazines are in their own circulation class again, now called Region C (Magazines). The print and online publications that were in the old Regional C have been combined with Regional B for the 2016 contest. This decision was made based on the number of entries in the 2015 contest.

Please review the circulation class list before entering. If you do not see your media outlet on the list, please contact contest clerk Jessica Garin at

With the changing news industry and changes at individual news outlets, the CTSPJ board will continue to review the circulation classes each year. If you have feedback on the placement of your news outlet, please contact Contest Chair Jodie Mozdzer Gil at Any requests for review will be considered by the full CTSPJ Board of Directors before the following year’s contest.


All media outlets compete against each other in the top three special awards categories. For the rest of the categories (below), media outlets will compete in one of five circulation classes.

Stephen A. Collins Public Service Award
This is a special award open to all media for a story or stories having a significant impact in the public interest. Entries must include supporting documentation such as letters, editorials, evidence of a change in public policy, showing how the entry had an impact. Please include a cover letter with the entry.
Theodore Driscoll Award for Investigative Reporting
This is a special award open to all media for a single story or formal series containing information, obtained through reporter initiative not readily available to the news media or public.
First Amendment Award
This is a special award open to all media for a single story, column or series which increases public understanding of the role of the press in a free society.

Editorial Cartoon | A single cartoon online or in print
Single Editorial | Represents the opinion of the publication, station or news website as an organization
General Column | A single (other than sports or humorous) that expresses an opinion or point of view on an issues or event
Humorous Column | A single column on any topic with the purpose to entertain
In-Depth | A single story that helps audience understand situation beyond information provided in a normal news story
Investigative | A single story containing information obtained through reporter initiative that was not readily available to the news media or the public
Feature | Any story written for a reason other than timeliness. (Please note, this was omitted from an earlier list in error)
Religion | A story dealing with religious topics
Government | A story dealing with government topics
Courts/Crime | Any story dealing with issues of the criminal justice system, except for breaking news
Arts & Entertainment | A single story dealing with the arts
Business | A single story dealing with business
Leisure | A story dealing with travel, food, gardening, or other leisure topics
Continuing Coverage | No more than 10 articles that follow the same topic over time
Diversity Coverage | Single story on a diversity issue
Education | A single story on an education issue
Reporting Series | A formal series of no more than 10 articles, including investigative, in-depth or feature series
Local Reporting | A story that shines light on an issue important to a single town or region. This category is meant for those stories that fulfill the mission of community journalism.
Breaking News | A single story or package of stories and social media updates that involves coverage of a spot news event written under an immediate deadline.
Sports News | A single story on a sports news topic
Sports Feature | A single story on a sports topic, written for a factor other than timeliness
Sports Column | A single column on a sports topic
Sports Photo | A single sports photo
Feature Photo | A single feature photo
News Photo | A single news photo
Photo Essay | A collection of photos, either in print or online, that together tell one story.
Page 1 Layout | A category for the person who arranged the text and images, not for the writers or photographers of the materials on the page.
Non-Page 1 Layout | Any single page design that was not on page 1
Headline | A single entry is made up of three headlines, all the work on a single individual
Infographic Design | The design of a single static or interactive graphic
Infographic Reporting | The reporting of a single static or interactive graphic
Video Storytelling | Use of video to tell a story alone or bolster written reporting
Audio Storytelling | Use of audio to tell a story alone or bolster written reporting

Contest feedback survey

CTSPJ updated its contest circulation and categories this year. The Board of Directors would like feedback from those who entered the contest as we review and discuss the changes at our summer board meeting.

Please fill out this survey with any feedback from your experience with the contest this year, before June 25.

CTSPJ Contest Revision Proposal

Connecticut SPJ has been talking and thinking a lot about our contest. And we’ve decided it’s time for an update.

So we present to you our plans to move forward for the 2015 Excellence in Journalism Contest, which will open for entries in late December 2015, and close for entries some time in February 2016.

We invite your feedback at this critical stage in the redesign. Please send any comments, questions or suggestions to Contest Chair Jodie Mozdzer Gil at by Aug. 15.

Read more →

CTSPJ Announces Winners of the 2014 Excellence in Journalism Contest

Stories about police departments failing FOI compliance checks, train derailments along the Metro North line and a charter school CEO with a shady past were among those that garnered top awards at the Connecticut SPJ awards dinner Thursday, May 21.

Read more →

CTSPJ Contest Survey

As we end the 2014 Excellence in Journalism contest year, the CTSPJ board is looking forward to next year already. With changes in media outlets and the industry, we are considering some changes to the way we handle circulation classes and categories.

We’d like your input.

Please take a moment to fill in the following survey.

2014 Excellence in Journalism Contest Categories

Click here to download a PDF version of the contest categories. To enter the contest, click here.


open to all media circulations

  • Stephen A. Collins Public Service Award

A single story or stories having a significant impact in the public interest. Entries must include supporting documentation such as letters, editorials, evidence of a change in public policy, etc. showing how the entry had an impact.

  • Theodore Driscoll Award For Investigative Reporting

A single story or formal series containing information, obtained through reporter initiative, not readily available to the news media or public.

  •  First Amendment Award

A single story, column or series that increases public understanding of the role of the press in a free society.


The following are the categories for the contest. Entries are placed in different circulation classes based on media type. 


General Column | A single column (other than sports, opinion or Op-Ed) that does not express a strong opinion or point of view on an issue or an event.

Opinion Column | An opinion column clearly states an opinion on an issue or an event. It must appear in any section other than the Op-Ed or Sports pages or portion of a broadcast.

Editorial Cartoon | A single cartoon that appears online or in print.

Op-Ed Column | An op-ed column must have been published in the Op-Ed section of a paper. It must have a stated byline or author. If the entry appeared online only, it can only qualify for the Op-Ed column category if the website has a designated “op-ed” or “opinion” section. Websites without that section should enter under the category “Opinion Column” or “General Column.”

Single Editorial | A single editorial represents the opinion of the publication, station, or news website as an organization. It can be written by one or more than one person.


In-Depth Series | A formal series of articles helping the reader understand situation beyond information provided in a normal news story. Limit one (1) series per person. Continuing coverage of a topic DOES NOT count as a series.

In-Depth Reporting | A single story helping audience understand situation beyond information provided in a normal news story.

Investigative Series | A formal series containing information obtained through reporter initiative that was not readily available to the news media or the general public. Limit one (1) series per entrant. Continuing coverage of a topic DOES NOT count as a series.

Investigative Story | A formal series containing information obtained through reporter initiative that was not readily available to the news media or the general public.

Spot News | A single story involving coverage of a spot news event written under an immediate deadline.

Feature | A single story written for some factor other than timeliness.

Feature Series | A series written or produced for some factor other than timeliness.

General Reporting | A single news story not covered by any other category.

General Reporting Series | A formal series of articles or broadcasts that do not fit into any other category. Limit one (1) series per entrant.

Arts & Entertainment | A single entry dealing with the arts.

Business | A single article on a business topic.


Sports News | A single story on a sports news topic.

Sports Feature | A single story on a sports news topic, written for a factor other than timeliness.

Sports Column | A single column on a sports topic.



Sports Photo | A single sports photo. All photo entries must include the photographer’s name. Any photos entered under “Staff,” “Contributed” or similar credits will be disqualified.

Feature Photo | A single feature photo. All photo entries must include the photographer’s name. Any photos entered under “Staff,” “Contributed” or similar credits will be disqualified.

Photo Layout | The photo layout category is not a design category. It is for photos only; not their arrangement. It generally should be for the work of one photographer. All photo entries must include the photographer’s name. Any photos entered under “Staff,” “Contributed” or similar credits will be disqualified.

News Photo | A single photo taken for news value. All photo entries must include the photographer’s name. Any photos entered under “Staff,” “Contributed” or similar credits will be disqualified.


Page 1 Layout | A category for the person who arranged the text and the illustrations, not for the writers and photographers of the materials on the page. Only the layout person should be listed.

Non-Page 1 Layout | A category for the person who arranged the text and the illustrations, not for the writers and photographers of the materials on the page. Only the layout person should be listed.

Headline | A single entry is made up of three headlines. All three headlines must be the work of a single individual but not necessarily from the same publication. Entries involving the work of more than one person will be declared ineligible. If submitting a PDF, highlight the headlines to be considered.


Informational Graphic | A static graphic that appears in print, online or in a broadcast to augment reporting on a topic. Entrant should be person who designed the graphic.


Video Storytelling | Excellent use of video to either tell a story alone, or bolster written reporting.

Audio Storytelling |  Excellent use of audio to either tell a story alone, or bolster written reporting.

Interactive Graphic Reporting | The use of free Internet tools to present data or reporting in an interactive format.

Interactive Graphic Design | Creation of a functional interactive graphic using tools such as Flash or HTML. This category is meant for the person who designed the graphic.

CTSPJ seeks contest clerk

Connecticut SPJ is looking for a clerk to handle administrative tasks for its annual journalism contest. Applicant should have the following skills/attributes:

  • experience in Microsoft Excel
  • experience using mail merges for e-mails and creating Word documents
  • excellent editing skills, attention to detail in spelling, grammar and consistency
  • ability to meet deadlines, while working varying hours
  • availability to work from home from December through May, a total of 50 to 100 hours, with strict deadlines along the way.
  • excellent time management skills

Please send resume, noting experience and education, to Jodie Mozdzer Gil at by June 20. Please also note any media affiliations, past and present, in Connecticut.

Job starts in December 2014, and runs through May 2015, with option for renewal the following year.


Winners — 2013 Excellence in Journalism contest

Below are the list of winners in the CTSPJ 2013 Excellence in Journalism contest. The awards were given out on May 22, 2014 during the annual CTSPJ awards banquet and annual meeting. Congratulations to all the winners! (Scroll down for the college winners)

2013 CTSPJ Excellence in Journalism Award Winners


2014 CTSPJ College Contest Winners

CTSPJ 2013 Excellence in Journalism Contest Finalists

Below is the list of finalists for the 2013 contest. The winners will be announced at the CTSPJ annual dinner on May 22nd. This year we are moving locations to the Seasons at the Tradition in Wallingford. Good luck to all finalists, and see you at the dinner!


CTSPJ 2013 Awards Finalist List

CTSPJ College Contest Open For Entries

The Connecticut SPJ College Contest is open for entries.

Click here to visit the contest website.

All entries must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 28.

The entry fees are:

  • $5 for SPJ members (membership ID number required)
  • $10 for non-members and news organizations

The contest is open for items published or broadcast in the 2013-14 academic year. (Please note, you must use the year 2013 when entering, even for items published in 2014).

Students can enter any work that ran in a print or online newspaper, or that was broadcast or streamed by a radio or TV station during the 2013-14 academic year.

Entries are limited to three per person per category. Each story, editorial, photo, etc. is a separate entry.

Any contest questions may be directed to contest committee co-chair Jodie Mozdzer Gil at


Copyright 2010-2017. Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists, P.O. Box 5071, Woodbridge CT 06525