Posts by Connecticut SPJ

Connecticut SPJ 2020 Excellence in Journalism Contest

The 2020 Excellence in Journalism contest is now open for entries! The deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 16! Feb. 12, 2021. You can enter the contest at The contest is open for items published or broadcast in 2020.


Entry fees are $10 for members (with valid SPJ member number) and $25 for non-members or entries paid for by a news organization. Please contact national SPJ membership coordinator Caroline Escobar by email at or by phone at 317-361-4132 if you do not know your member number.

Read more about this year’s contest here, including what categories are available and what circulation class your news outlet belongs in. 

For questions about the Connecticut contest, please contact me at

Minutes from Nov. 15, 2020, CTSPJ special board meeting

CT SPJ special meeting 

Sunday, Nov. 15, at 2 p.m., via Zoom 


  1. Call to order – Called to order at 2:06 p.m. by Viktoria Sundqvist

 Present: Lindsay Boyle, Mike Savino, Jordan Fenster, Mercy Quaye, Viktoria Sundqvist, Bruno Matarazzo, Ayah Galal, Jackie Stoughton, Jeniece Roman, Jodie Gil, Aaron Johnson

  1. Plan of Action in response to RC’s request for 3 board members to resign:
    1. Review of letter 
    2. Review national’s response 
    3. Discussion 
    4. Action: Vote of confidence in board leaders 

-Jordan Fenster moves for us as a board to make a vote of confidence in order to express solidarity with and support for our board leaders, Viktoria Sundqvist, Mike Savino and Bruno Matarazzo

-Jodie Gil seconds the motion

-Motion passes 8-0 (with 3 abstentions)

-Mercy Quaye moves to pursue signatures from our chapter membership on a letter in support of our current board leadership: Viktoria Sundqvist, Mike Savino and Bruno Matarazzo

-Jordan Fenster seconds the motion

-Motion passes unanimously

  1. Legal representation: 
    1. Review list of lawyers who specialize in non-profit governance
    2. Review hourly rates 
    3. Action: Vote on allocating funds for legal representation for the board 

-Discussed; no action taken

4. Adjourn.

-Viktoria Sundqvist moves to adjourn at 3:42 p.m.

-Jodie Gil seconds the motion

-Motion passes unanimously

Minutes from July 12, 2020, CTSPJ board meeting

CT SPJ board meeting

Sunday, July 12, at 11 a.m., via Zoom


 1.         Call to order – Called to order at 11:02 a.m. by Viktoria Sundqvist

Present: Lindsay Boyle, Viktoria Sundqvist, Bruno Matarazzo, Mike Savino, Jordan Fenster, Ayah Galal, Jackie Stoughton, Aaron Johnson, Jodie Mozdzer Gil, Cindy Simoneau

2.         President’s report

-Viktoria runs through her priorities of increasing membership, putting on the regional conference and finding someone new to own the contest

-Bruno Matarazzo is awarded a plaque for his two years of service as president

3.         Treasurer’s report

-Bruno discusses the balances of the board’s accounts (checking, savings, scholarship) as well as the checks that were cashed since last meeting. Checking balance is up a bit because the board did not have its annual dinner as an expense.

4.         Committee assignments

·   Jordan: Dinner, ad-hoc website redesign, FOI

·   Bruno: Contest, membership, finance

·   Ayah: Communications, programming, dinner

·   Mike: FOI, contest, programming

·   Lindsay: Scholarship, ad-hoc website redesign, charter revision

·   Jackie: Communications, programming

·   Aaron: Programming, communications, contest

·   Vik: Membership, contest

-Notes: Treasurer Bruno is chair of the finance committee, Communications Vice President Mercy Quaye is chair of the communications committee and Programming Vice President Mike is chair of the programming committee.

5.         Conventions update

-The board discusses the national conference, which will be held virtually Sept. 12 and 13, and whether to allocate some money to help people cover registration costs as there will be no need for travel stipends.

-The regional conference is slated to happen virtually April 9 and 10 next year, with Roger Williams University serving as the hub of activity.

-Board agrees to watch the national convention closely and learn from the things people do and don’t like.

6.         Scholarship update

-Board discusses whether to hold a virtual event for the winners and what to do with the donations that came in on behalf of late local journalist Jack Kramer.

        -Board will offer a one-time $1,000 scholarship in his name in the spring.

7.         Contest update

-Board discusses what was spent for website fixes related to the contest and votes on the clerk’s pay for next year.

-Bruno makes a motion to set pay for the contest clerk at $2,200, to be paid out in two installments ($1,000, $1,200)

-Mike seconds the motion

-Motion passes unanimously

8.         Racism discussion follow-up – Aug. 20 virtual panel is still on and will feature Quinnipiac University’s Don Sawyer and Connecticut Mirror reporter Jacqueline Rabe Thomas as well as board members Mercy and Jordan

9.         Programming ideas for the year – Board discusses ideas; Mike agrees to ask the national organization whether there is a shared Zoom account CTSPJ can join

10.    Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.

Self-care for journalists

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

If you’re feeling tired and worn down from this seemingly never-ending election season, you are not alone. This has been a trying year, and the additional stress of journalism and journalists being under attack is exhausting.

We all need to take some time to breathe, look after ourselves, and be kind and supportive to one another.

Here are some resources that might help:

Critical Stress Help Sheet from the National Press Photographers Association 

Johnny Webber’s Life Assessment Checklist

Doctors give advice on how to relax from election stress

How journalists can address their own mental health, from the International Journalists’ Network 

The DART Center also offers lots of tips, resources and training for newsrooms

Finally, if you are a journalist who regularly covers traumatic or really stressful events or topics, you can apply to join the Journalists Covering Trauma Facebook group (yes, covering the pandemic counts as trauma). 

Stay safe, and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local SPJ chapter with questions or concerns. 

Attend the 2020 SPJ conference on us!

College contest winners announced for the 2019-20 academic year

The Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists’ student contest highlighted the best work published or broadcast during the 2019-20 academic year. Students from six different colleges or universities in Connecticut participated in this year’s contest. Scroll below to see the winners! 

Audio Storytelling

First Place

In Context with CCSU journalism: Episode 3; Central Connecticut State University; Kristina Vakhman, Amanda Kenny, Kelly Langevin

Second Place

In Context with CCSU journalism: Episode 1; Central Connecticut State University; Kristina Vakhman,  Joshua Rosario, Mauriah Johnson

Third Place

In Context with CCSU journalism: Episode 2-The football edition; Central Connecticut State University; Kristina Vakhman, Ryan Jones, Trevi Alickolli, Joshua Rosario

COVID-19 Reporting

First Place

CCSU offers pass/fail option to students; Central Connecticut State University; Samantha Bender

Second Place

“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”; The Tamarack; Nicole Hayes

Third Place

Safe way to get mental health help may have consequences beyond Covid-19; The Recorder; Kelly Langevin


First Place

Be a man about it; The Tamarack; Kathleen Chesto

Second Place

The problem with staying informed; University of New Haven Charger Bulletin; Mia Steadman

Third Place

The new Nazis?; The Tamarack; Alexander Wilson


First Place

Kicking the vaping habit; Crescent magazine; Amanda Cavoto

Second Place

‘All I want is for us to be visible’ PRIDE president speaks on recognizing transgender deaths; The Recorder; Isabella Chan

Third Place

Beyond the margins; The Tamarack; Anjelika Rodis

Feature Photo

First Place

Irish dancer; Crescent magazine; Jason Edwards

Second Place

A job well done; Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network; Liz Flynn

General Column/Commentary

First Place

Queer code: Transgender day of remembrance; The Tamarack; Alexander Wilson

Second Place

Harvey Weinstein’s sentencing: a win for Hollywood; Q30 Television; Gabby Brailovskiy

Third Place

That’s what she said: The little feminist that could; The Tamarack; Jessica Ney

General Reporting

First Place

FOI documents show professors accused of sexual misconduct went on to other universities; The Recorder; Thomas Hopkins

Second Place

Former student accused of showing interest in mass shooting had long, troubling history; The Recorder; Sarah Willson

Third Place

Student with wheelchair speaks out about campus inaccessibility; University of New Haven Charger Bulletin; Jennifer Korn, Beth Beaudry

Non-Page 1 Layout

First Place

Southern swag; Crescent magazine; Muhaymina Plair

Second Place

CCSU sports: Aaron Winchester; The Recorder; Julia Jade Moran

Third Place

Hearts of the Sound; Crescent magazine; Samuel Fix

Page 1 Layout

First Place

The Charger Bulletin May 5, 2020 edition; University of New Haven Charger Bulletin; Anna Downs

Sports Feature Story

First Place

Chiara Bacchini makes her return to the court; Q30 Television; Bryan Schwartz

Second Place

Jones brings new energy; Southern News; Sam Tapper

Third Place

Long distance relationship; Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network; Jacob Shiffer

Sports News Story

First Place

Ex Patriot player returns; Southern News; Hunter O. Lyle

Second Place

New volleyball locker room shows steps towards gender equity; Central Connecticut State University; Ryan Jones

Third Place

Mushaw gives gift of life; Central Connecticut State University; Ryan Jones

Sports Photo

First Place

Hug me, brother!; Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network; Liz Flynn

Second Place

A senior day celebration; Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network; Liz Flynn

Third Place

Call it a goal; Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network; Liz Flynn

Video Storytelling

First Place

UCTV News: Behind the scenes of the UConn Fire Department; UCTV Uconn; Luke Hajdasz, Regan Schiappa, Luke Hajdasz

Please note: Certificates will be mailed out to all winners to the address provided in the contest entry. Should you wish to have it mailed to another address, please email Contest Chair Viktoria Sundqvist at vickansundqvist(at) by July 19 with your alternative address. 

Bob Eddy Scholarship winners announced for 2020

The Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists has chosen its 2020 recipients of the Bob Eddy Scholarship, who together will receive a total of $6,000 from the fund.

To qualify for a scholarship, students must be entering their junior or senior year of college in fall 2020 and be enrolled at an accredited Connecticut university or be a Connecticut resident enrolled at an accredited university elsewhere.

The scholarship committee considers journalism samples, commitment to the industry, academic success and financial need when determining the winners.

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven manages the Bob Eddy Scholarship Fund. To donate to the fund, please click here

The 2020 scholarship award winners are:

Emily DiSalvo (Bob Eddy Award – $2,500), who’s entering her third year in the 3+1 journalism program at Quinnipiac University. She has lived in Portland, Connecticut, her whole life and has always loved reading the local papers and writing. Since starting college, she has been an associate news editor, news editor and arts and life editor at the Quinnipiac Chronicle. She has interned with CT News Junkie and most recently The Hill in Washington, D.C. She also freelances for several local publications in Connecticut. After college, she hopes to move to D.C. and cover national politics or education. In her free time she enjoys playing tennis, doing yoga, reading, watching the news and spending time with her five cats.

Jason Edwards (Bob Eddy Award – $1,500), a journalism major at Southern Connecticut State University who has a minor in public relations and is going into his senior year this fall. Edwards is a photo editor for student-run Crescent magazine. He also has reported several stories for The Southern News and serves as an assistant photographer in the university’s Office of Integrated Communications and Marketing. Edwards lives in Ansonia, Connecticut, and hopes to go into journalism or public relations after graduation.

Zoe Pierce (Bob Eddy Award – $1,000), a rising junior journalism and film major at the University of Maryland. She works at the university’s independent student newspaper, The Diamondback, most recently as assistant managing editor. When not at school, she lives with her family in West Hartford, Connecticut.

Fiona Brady (Bob Eddy Award – $1,000), a rising senior at the University of Connecticut who studies journalism and political science. Her career goal is to become a TV news reporter and anchor. On campus, she’s involved in UCTV News, UConn’s student-run TV station. She also interviews professors, students, and alumni and writes articles for UConn’s Neag School of Education website. She interned at WTNH News 8 in New Haven last summer and this summer will be interning at CBS News in New York.

And the winners are…

Today we were supposed to be gathering for our annual Excellence in Journalism awards dinner to honor the best work done by journalists in Connecticut. Instead, we are announcing this year’s contest winners in this video. The full list of winners is included below.


All Media Special Awards

First Amendment Award

Tara O’Neill arrest/coverage; Connecticut Post; Tara O’Neill

Stephen A. Collins Public Service Award

CTNewsJunkie’s coverage leads to first release of school-level immunization data in CT; CTNewsJunkie; Christine Stuart

Theodore Driscoll Award for Investigative Reporting

Harassed at work; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt, Emilie Munson

General contest awards

Arts & Entertainment


First Place

From baked goods to Broadway productions; The Sound; Pem McNerney

Second Place

Miggs, his muse Mimi and a postage stamp career canceled;; James Lomuscio

Third Place

Eagle sculptures appear in meadow; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Regional A

First Place

Photo exhibit aims to draw attention to the ‘(un)Forgotten’; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

Second Place

Goodspeed’s Jay Hilton is skilled in the art of sound design; The Day; Kristina Dorsey

Third Place

Portraits from the past; The Day; John Ruddy

Regional B

First Place

After two decades of financial challenges, The Bushnell eyes a debt-free existence; Hartford Business Journal; Frank Rizzo

Second Place

Greenwich? Shazam; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

Third Place

Cello and cinema: The two worlds of Westport’s Joel L. Freedman; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Silent comedies with live music at the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival; Connecticut Magazine; Mike Wollschlager

Second Place

Portrait of the artist as an unknown man; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Third Place

Long Wharf’s leap of faith; New Haven Biz; Frank Rizzo

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

The piano; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Audio Storytelling

Regional A

First Place

Welcome to Corrupticut; Hartford Courant; Mike Hamad

Second Place

The oral history of the 1999 NCAA Championship winning UConn men’s basketball team 20 years later; Hartford Courant; Chris Brodeur

Third Place

Stricter rules for SNAP would hurt those that need it most; Connecticut Health I-Team; Colleen Shaddox

Regional B – No winner chosen

Breaking News


First Place

An immigrant evades ICE, after courthouse standoff; New Haven Independent; Eugene Driscoll, Thomas Breen, Christopher Peak

Second Place

Westport pizzeria closing Jan. 11;; James Lomuscio

Third Place

Fire reported at Christ & Holy Trinity Church;; Gordon Joseloff, Dave Matlow

Regional A

First Place

Bradley plane crash; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

Second Place

Crack overdoses catch Hartford off guard; Hartford Courant; Rebecca Lurye

Third Place

Yale, Harvard protest; New Haven Register; Jim Fuller, Dan Haar

Regional B

First Place

Valerie Reyes murder; Greenwich Time; Hannah Dellinger, Rob Marchant, Humberto J. Rocha

Second Place

Brunswick coaches, nurses, staff act fast at terrible crash; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Third Place

EH deadly shooting leaves Skyline Drive residents shaken; Journal Inquirer; Vin Gallo

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Homes destroyed in Old Saybrook fire; NBC 30; Nicholas Doscher, Jamie Ratliff

Second Place

Students injured in school bus crash; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Maura Murphy

Third Place

Man killed when barn collapses; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Kenny Mahoney



First Place

With Sparks Cycleworks, Matt Schell is going places; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Second Place

Westport pizzeria closing Jan. 11;; James Lomuscio

Third Place

No more Joey’s By the Shore;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

First Place

Home prices in most Connecticut towns still struggling to recover; Hartford Courant; Kenneth R. Gosselin

Second Place

Trade war with China is hitting Connecticut and tea drinkers are paying more; Hartford Courant; Christopher Keating

Third Place

Reviving Parkville; Hartford Courant; Kenneth R. Gosselin

Regional B

First Place

Is CBD a ‘wonder drug’ for state’s economy?; Journal Inquirer; Zachary F. Vasile

Second Place

Southington bar may end live music after copyright suit; Record-Journal; Jesse Buchanan

Third Place

Loxo Oncology’s pioneering drug cures Bridgeport toddler’s cancer; Stamford Advocate; Paul Schott

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

The only constant is change: How to survive in manufacturing; New Haven Biz; Michelle Tuccitto Sullo

Second Place

Why Quantum Circuits’ Schoelkopf may be the Steve Jobs of the 21st century; New Haven Biz; Michelle Tuccitto Sullo

Third Place

Making it right; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter


Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Carfax caution:  Vehicle history may not tell the whole story; NBC 30; Sandra Jones

Second Place

Buttons, bombs, branzino: Ideal fish; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Third Place

Privacy for sale: Protecting your personal data online; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison, Jon Wardle

Continuing Coverage


First Place

Beat coverage of New Haven’s school superintendent; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Norwalk works to restart stalled project as lawsuit swirls; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Third Place

Matsu Sushi saga; Westport News; Sophie Vaughan, Lynandro (DJ) Simmons, Liana Teixeira

Regional A

First Place

Small solutions to climate change; Connecticut Mirror; Jan Ellen Spiegel

Second Place

Gail Hardy police shooting investigation; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

Third Place

Confession; Waterbury Republican-American; Michael Puffer, Brigitte Ruthman, Jonathan Shugarts, Paul Hughes

Regional B

First Place

Prison health care; Journal Inquirer; Will Healey

Second Place

Greenwich Parents, administrators at odds over special education; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Third Place

Following the search for Meriden mother Perrie Mason; Record-Journal; Lauren Sellew, Ashley Kus, Matthew Zabierek

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

‘I did not sign up for violence’: Health care workers targeted by patients; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, David Mulligan, Jon Wardle







First Place

Illegally secret cop drug policy released; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Judge rules in favor of hash brown defense;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

First Place

Leah Ulbrich cold case: a broken cycle of pain; Hartford Courant; Zach Murdock

Second Place

Decades later, troubling questions remain about two murders convictions and the role of Henry Lee; Hartford Courant; Edmund Mahony

Third Place

Casting a ballot from behind bars: No easy process; Connecticut Mirror; Kelan Lyons

Regional B

First Place

Six signs of escalating domestic violence in Dulos marriage; Greenwich Time; Hannah Dellinger

Second Place

Dog owners sought ‘intervention’; Journal Inquirer; Matthew P. Knox

Third Place

Kavanaugh defense calls for bail reform; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

How Scott Semple helped turn Connecticut’s prisons into a nationally recognized laboratory of reform; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Until they all come home: Connecticut’s unsolved missing persons mysteries; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Second Place

Cow slaughter commotion; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, David Michnowicz


Regional A

First Place

Database: Child sexual abuse at the Boys & Girls Clubs; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger, Lisa Yanick Litwiller, Viktoria Sundqvist, Meghan Friedmann, Peter Yankowski, Tatiana Flowers, Humberto J. Rocha

Second Place

Examing 27 years of taxes spending; The Day; Erica Moser, Carlos Virgen


Third Place

Pharma cash flows to doctors for consultant work despite scrutiny; Connecticut Health I-Team; Sujata Srinivasan, Marie K. Shanahan

Regional B

First Place

CT university endowments riding post-recession growth wave as tuition continues to rise; Hartford Business Journal; Sean Teehan, Matt Pilon

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

How long you live may be affected by your community; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Sleepless in Connecticut? How where you live can affect how you sleep; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Diversity Coverage


First Place

Untold black & Latinx history surfaces; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Film will tell James’ and Petry’s family story in their own words; Harbor News; Aviva Luria

Third Place

Addressing inclusivity in Westport schools;; Jarret Liotta

Regional A

First Place

Transgender sports debate; Connecticut Mirror; Kathleen Megan

Second Place

Medicaid expansion helped reduce disparities in cancer care; Connecticut Health I-Team; Cara Rosner

Third Place

New lives for residents with developmental disabilities; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Regional B – No winner chosen

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Coming out: Scary, sad, surprising, and joyful tales of that life-changing moment; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Second Place

Raising the curtain: LGBTQ students find theater a welcoming home; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Third Place

Coming to America – Part II; Seasons Magazine; Sarah Wesley Lemire



Regional A

First Place

Bill would allow too much police secrecy; The Day; Paul Choiniere

Second Place

The shifting hues of 9/11; Connecticut Post; John Breuning

Third Place

Connecticut should withdraw from flawed, foolish popular vote compact; The Day; Paul Choiniere

Regional B

First Place

State health leader must take stand on measles; News-Times; Jacqueline Smith

Second Place

New group starts by meeting behind closed doors; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz

Editorial Cartoon

Regional A

First Place

State begins taxing plastic bags; The Day; Jacinta Meyers, Paul Choiniere

Second Place

State increases minimum wage; The Day; Paul Choiniere, Jacinta Meyers

Regional B

First Place

Honk if you hate tolls; Record-Journal; Kevin Markowski

Second Place

Town’s slow online evolution; Record-Journal; Kevin Markowski



First Place

Two segregated schools, two reactions; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

One school, one book, one message of inclusion; Harbor News; Aviva Luria

Regional A

First Place

A calling with a price: Early childhood educators find low pay for important jobs; Connecticut Post; Linda Conner Lambeck

Second Place

Parents concerned Hamden special education system is harming children; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan



Regional B

First Place

Leaked email causes turbulence for Norwalk school board in flux; The Hour; Justin Papp

Second Place

Amid attempts to expand community-college access, current students struggle to graduate; Hartford Business Journal; Sean Teehan, Matt Pilon

Third Place

Program helps special education students find work after graduation; Journal Inquirer; Skyler Frazer

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Making it right; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter

Second Place

Meera Viswanathan: emboldening and inspiring girls at Ethel Walker; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan, Mark Mirko

Third Place

Dream memorial; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

The cost of teaching part 1: Teacher spending and supplies; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Second Place

The cost of teaching part 2: Teacher pay and additional jobs; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Third Place

Connecticut school teachers concerned about ‘old, sick buildings’; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

Feature Photo


First Place

To catch a thief or not;; Helen Klisser During

Second Place

Here comes lunch;; J. C. Martin

Third Place

Bubble man;; Gordon Joseloff

Regional A

First Place

Lance blast; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Second Place

Umbrella alley; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Regional B

First Place

Moon over eagle on landing anniversary; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Second Place

Powderpuff cheerleader goes airborn; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Third Place

Greenwich preschoolers step up to celebrate accomplishments; Greenwich Time; Tyler Sizemore

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Chef Denise Appel; Seasons Magazine; Winter Caplanson

Second Place

Wisdom in the window; Seasons Magazine; Stan Godlewski

Feature Story


First Place

Students aim for 2-language seal; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

The secret to Arnold’s success; Guilford Courier; Pem McNerney

Third Place

Nick Zeoli: Love of town(s) and country;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

First Place

Running into an unclear future; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

Second Place

Door to healing: 3 years after death, Maddie’s family gets a sign; The Day; Mary Biekert

Third Place

The flu pandemic; Waterbury Republican-American; Michael DeGirolamo Jr.

Regional B

First Place

Meriden diner’s rebirth stirs memories, hopes for future as The Landmark; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Second Place

Grandparents raising grandchildren face financial hardship; The Hour; Tatiana Flowers

Third Place

Thursday night thunder car cruise brings community together; Neighbors Paper; Corey Sipe

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Writing his next act; Connecticut Voice; Frank Rizzo

Second Place

30 women of distinction; Hartford Magazine; Nancy Schoeffler

Third Place

Where community percolates: Freshly roasted, with face-to-face time; Hartford Magazine; Leonard Felson

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

WWII soldier’s remains returned home; NBC 30; Nicholas Doscher, Jamie Ratliff

Second Place

The piano; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Third Place

Take a tour of some of Connecticut’s tiny homes; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

General Column


First Place

Oy to the world; The Source; Lisa Nee

Second Place

Musings from Mara December; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Regional A

First Place

Dan Haar: The immigrant heart of a historic McDonald’s union drive; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Second Place

Sandy Hook and the humans who write the headlines; Connecticut Post; Matt DeRienzo

Third Place

Only you can prevent global warming; Connecticut Mirror; David Holahan

Regional B

First Place

Good on Goodell for Pro Bowl decision; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Second Place

9/11 is never over; Stamford Advocate; Deborah DiSesa Hirsch

Third Place

Meriden’s East Cemetery gets the respect it deserves; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

As the crows fly; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Second Place

Heart families: Choosing your family is an emotional and rewarding adventure; Connecticut Voice; Kevin Lembo

Third Place

Take home poems; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper



First Place

Suburbs profit off New Haven’s magnets; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Soon-to-be-revealed $80M ‘POKO’ plan detailed in sneak peak; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Regional A

First Place

A profile of Connecticut’s lieutenant governor; Connecticut Mirror; Mark Pazniokas

Second Place

CT congressional candidate in Trump’s inner circle – or is he?; Connecticut Post; Emilie Munson

Third Place

Pot for Dan, gold for Josh; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Regional B

First Place

CT’s biggest corporate incentive you’ve never heard of; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Second Place

Decades later, Meriden taxpayers strapped by ‘old sins’; Record-Journal; Matthew Zabierek

Third Place

Concrete hurts grand lists; Journal Inquirer; Eric Bedner

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Dispatch delays; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Garett Allison

Second Place

Saving millions with regional radios; NBC 30; Len Besthoff-Reporter, Jon Wardle-Photographer/Editor



First Place

Days of wine at Roses; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

First Place

Headlines; The Day; Joe Turco

Second Place

Ruddy headlines; The Day; John Ruddy

Third Place

Law and disorder/Elf off the shelf/Love wins; Connecticut Post; Susan Nusbaum

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Progressions to the bean; The sounds of silence; Cheese greater; Connecticut Magazine; Mike Wollschlager

Second Place

Upstaged by love; Funny bones; Major (and minor) ambitions; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter



First Place

GHS students say it’s time to talk about menstruation; Guilford Courier; Jesse Williams

Second Place

Bob LeRose on the blues and healing;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

First Place

Desensitization gives some children with food allergies a viable treatment option; Connecticut Health I-Team; Cara Rosner

Second Place

Elder abuse investigations more than doubled in seven years; Connecticut Health I-Team; Kate Farrish, Carl Jordan Castro

Third Place

Son of murder victim seeks stability, freedom from state ‘system’; The Day; Karen Florin

Regional B

First Place

Greenwich residents on Medicare, Medicaid struggle to find health care specialists; The Hour; Tatiana Flowers

Second Place

With their costs under fire, long-term care hospitals push back, pivot; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Drugged out; New Haven Biz; Natalie Missakian

Second Place

On the wings of love: Rothberg’s revolutionary ultrasound device meets the marketplace; New Haven Biz; Michael C. Bingham

Third Place

Healing horses; Seasons Magazine; Alix Boyle

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Could your teen have a secret stash of drugs in their bedroom?; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

Second Place

Preventable tragedies: Dozens of Connecticut babies lost each year to unsafe sleep; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Third Place

Is pet health insurance worth the cost?; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Humorous Column


First Place

Musings from Mara May; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner


Regional A

First Place

Gray Bridgeport and bright Oz; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Second Place

A club you can only be born into; Connecticut Post; Hugh Bailey

Third Place

Inhaling spring across state lines; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Regional B

First Place

A post mortem for Latin; Record-Journal; Glenn Richter

Second Place

The moving company declares Chapter 60; Stamford Advocate; Jerry Zezima

Third Place

Whatz yn a nayme?; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Funny bones; Seasons Magazine; Matthew Dicks, Sean Wang

Second Place

The worst of times; Seasons Magazine; Matthew Dicks, Sean Wang

Third Place

The old barn: Metaphor in plain sight; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan



First Place

City weighs school change 3.0; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Saving lives—Just another day at the beach for Hammo lifeguards; The Source; Pem McNerney

Third Place

‘Helping Haitians heal Haitians’; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Regional A

First Place

Invisible walls; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Second Place

Time is key to stroke treatment but gaps exist in Connecticut; Connecticut Health I-Team; Lisa Backus

Third Place

Empty promises and empty seats; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Regional B

First Place

Newtown’s armed school guards a model for Connecticut; News-Times; Rob Ryser

Second Place

Kent murder suspect highlights gaps in mental health system; News-Times; Julia Perkins

Third Place

Trying to avoid CT taxes by becoming a part-time resident? It’s harder than you think.; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Accident or arson? The Hartford Circus fire 75 years later; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Second Place

Horsing around; Seasons Magazine; John Torsiello

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Police PTSD; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle

Second Place

Bus drivers reveal ‘wild’ side of public transit in CT; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, David Michnowicz

Third Place

Well water woes; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, David Michnowicz, Katherine Loy

Infographic Design

Regional A

First Place

Interactive quiz of questions about the Clintons history; Hartford Courant; Chris Moore

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Purdue Pharma and OxyContin: A timeline; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody

Infographic Reporting

Regional A

First Place

Jennifer Dulos disappearance; Hartford Courant; Tim Reck, Dave Altimari

Second Place

Hartford Circus Fire 75 years later; Hartford Courant; Hartford Courant staff

Third Place

A look at Hartford’s completed and ongoing developments; Hartford Courant; Tim Reck, Kenneth G. Gosselin



First Place

Video captures principal shoving student; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Second Place

Fairfield official took pavers planned for Julian sale: Legal doc; Fairfield Patch; Anna Bybee-Schier


Third Place

Barbis accused of owing $1 million in outstanding personal income taxes; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Regional A

First Place

At risk: Boys and Girls Clubs and sexual abuse; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger, Viktoria Sundqvist, Humberto Rocha, Meghan Friedmann, Tatiana Flowers, Peter Yankowski, Lisa Yanick Litwiller

Second Place

Invisible walls; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Third Place

Elder abuse investigations more than doubled in seven years; Connecticut Health I-Team; Kate Farrish, Carl Jordan Castro

Regional B

First Place

CT bullying law flawed, review of records shows; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Second Place

Campaign donors have ties to Southington developer; Record-Journal; Jesse Buchanan

Third Place

UConn Health research shows tens of thousands of CT residents faced medical-debt lawsuits; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Sick puppies and unacceptable conditions: Documents show troubled history of CT Animal Rescue; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Jon Wardle, Erica Jorgensen

Second Place

Officers at Scene of State Trooper Crash Raised Concerns of Drunk Driving; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill

Third Place

Whiting whistleblower; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle



First Place

Keeping bees safe: Gentile shares pollinator-friendly tips; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

First Place

There’s value in the past; The Day; Phil Hall

Second Place

Holidays; Keep the liquids local; Nearby wineries, breweries and distilleries make holiday bright; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

Third Place

Winery kicks off Passport Program; Connecticut Post; Michael P. Mayko

Regional B

First Place

New eateries bring young vibe to downtown; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Second Place

Tabletop gaming opportunities at The Dragon’s Lair in Wallingford; Record-Journal; Ashley Kus

Third Place

Southington restaurant Nataz puts emphasis on quality, adventure; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

People across Connecticut are creating a pollinator pathway for bees and butterflies; Connecticut Magazine; Theresa Sullivan Barger

Second Place

A chef who makes kindness a key ingredient; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Third Place

The Recycle House; Hartford Magazine; Nancy Schoeffler

Local Reporting


First Place

A little bit of mercy – A Darien family’s loss to addiction; Darien Times; Susan Shultz

Second Place

Centuries-old mystery solved by Westport Historical Society; Westport News; Liana Teixeira

Third Place

Magnet lottery rigged for suburbanites; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Regional A

First Place

Missing money, lax oversight in Bridgeport scrap-for-cash scandal; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings

Second Place

Critics worry New Haven schools sacrifice counselors for security guards.; New Haven Register; Brian Zahn

Third Place

Plagued by crime; Waterbury Republican-American; Harrison Connery

Regional B

First Place

‘They’re wrong’: Embattled Norwalk school board member tries to clear name; The Hour; Justin Papp

Second Place

Parents heavy with concern over lead; Journal Inquirer; Michelle France

Third Place

Greenwich’s Hoarding Task Force is busier than you might think; Greenwich Time; Tatiana Flowers

Regional C  (Magazine)

First Place

Beating the heat; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Foreclosed dreams; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Dave Mulligan

Second Place

How do you pronounce Norfolk?; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

News Photo


First Place

Fiery Merritt Crash injures four;; Gordon Joseloff

Regional A

First Place

Body search; The Day; Dana Jensen

Second Place

Inaugural hair day; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Regional B

First Place

Glider through the roof; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Second Place

Ember alert; Journal Inquirer; Jim Michaud

Non-Page 1 Layout


First Place

Fighting apocalypse fatigue, one exhibit at a time; Harbor News; Jennifer Corthell

Regional A

First Place

Oceans apart; New Haven Register; Sue Nusbaum

Second Place

College basketball preview; Hartford Courant; Chris Moore

Regional B

First Place

MLB veteran hoping to get back into affiliated baseball; New Britain Herald; Bradford Carroll

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

The bud boom: Cannabis is coming, and so is a complex new ecosystem revolving around it.; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody

Second Place

Wacky contraptions; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Third Place

Rise and dine: Connecticut’s best breakfast; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody

Page 1 Layout

Regional A

First Place

Remember D-Day; The Day; John Ruddy

Second Place

Under siege; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Flynn

Regional B

First Place

Trump impeached; Middletown Press; Sue Nusbaum

Second Place

Love wins; News-Times; Susan Nusbaum

Third Place

A stormy day; The Chronicle; Lauren Flaum

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Christmas gifts made in Connecticut; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Second Place

How long will you live? The surprising ways your community may affect your life expectancy; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody

Photo Essay


First Place

Scenes from Nov. 19 Norwalk BoE meeting – Will there be a repeat Tuesday?; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Second Place

Some Norwalk photos #3a: More mall; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Regional A

First Place

Reporting for duty; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Second Place

Prison hosts family dance; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Regional B

First Place

Helium heroes; The Hour; Sue Nusbaum, Tyler Sizemore

Second Place

Police officer honored; The Hour; Erik Trautmann

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Final destination; Seasons Magazine; Stan Godlewski



First Place

All of us together; Valley Courier; Pem McNerney

Regional A

First Place

The rise and fall of Rev. Daniel McSheffery; Hartford Courant; Dave Altimari

Second Place

Anti-semitism in Connecticut: A short history; Connecticut Post; Jordan Fenster

Third Place

Monsignor demands apology; Connecticut Post; Daniel Tepfer

Regional B

First Place

Mother Mary: In Riverside, residents unearth, restore a sacred part of the past; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Second Place

Startup broadcaster brings EWTN programming to WNLK-AM; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

Nearer to God; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Second Place

Embracing tradition: Interfaith families; Seasons Magazine; Cara McDonough

Regional D – No winner chosen

Reporting Series


First Place

For the kids: Person of the week; Valley Courier; Rita Christopher

Second Place

Talk of the Town: Reviewing the Connecticut General Assembly with elected officials; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio and Nicholas Perugini

Reporting Series

Regional A

First Place

Harassed at work; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt, Emilie Munson

Second Place

Sewage overflows: Legal but tainted (3-parts); Connecticut Health I-Team; Christine Woodside, Melanie Stengel

Third Place

Your money, your state; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon, Bill Cummings, Kaitlyn Krasset, Dan Haar

Regional B

First Place

Broken system: Examining Hartford’s high and inequitable tax structure; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro, Matt Pilon, Sean Teehan

Second Place

Rise and fall of pro baseball in New Britain; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Third Place

The slow return of housing; Stamford Advocate; Paul Schott

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Hidden in plain sight: Mysterious places you never knew were in Connecticut; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Second Place

Sisters for life; WFSB; Denise D’Ascenzo, Eric Budney, Tracy Furey

Sports Column

Regional A

First Place

How little we know; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Second Place

No bathing suit, no problem for this Berlin woman; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

Third Place

Jack Street touchdown pass for Newtown; Connecticut Post; Jeff Jacobs

Regional B

First Place

Merge was spark to title for Innovation basketball; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Second Place

Time to move on, dad; The Chronicle; Michael Sypher

Third Place

Video clip provides motivation for CCSU football; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

Sports Feature


First Place

First Tee teaches golf, life skills; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Second Place

North Haven football supports Zak Radziunas at 15th annual Spring Brawl; North Haven Courier; Chris Piccirillo

Third Place

GHS girls’ rugby taking it to the next level; Greenwich Sentinel; Paul Silverfarb


Regional A

First Place

Lack of respect; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Second Place

Seeing a world of possibilities; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Third Place

After Hurricane Marina, Paula Hernandez finds a home with Woodstock Academy volleyball;; Dave Stewart

Regional B

First Place

CCSU football player meets girl whose life he saved; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

Second Place

Capstone project tackles social issue; The Chronicle; Richard Zalusky

Third Place

Trevethan dedicates state title to beloved mentor; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Regional C (Magazine)

First Place

A question of fairness; Connecticut Voice; Dawn Ennis

Second Place

Game on: Special Olympics celebrates 50th; Seasons Magazine; Teresa Pelham

Third Place

Going to the mat; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

One-handed MMA fighter excels and inspires; NBC 30; Matt Finkel

Second Place

Meeting your match; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

Third Place

Blind baseball broadcaster; NBC 30; Matt Finkel

Sports News


First Place

Old Saybrook boys’ soccer claims second-straight state title; Harbor News; Chris Negrini

Regional A

First Place

A week to remember, reflect for Newtown football team;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Second Place

Esports is sweeping the nation; Hartford Courant; Shawn McFarland

Third Place

How youth baseball leagues adjust to low participation; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Regional B

First Place

New Canaan’s Drew Pyne inspired by 8-year-old Ryan Berg’s battle against cancer; Stamford Advocate; Dave Stewart

Second Place

New challenge awaits veteran coach; The Chronicle; Michael Sypher

Third Place

CCSU football wins NEC championship; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

The Yard Goats Hispanic heritage; NBC 30; Miguel Santiesteban

Second Place

Meeting your match; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

Third Place

Patriots Super Bowl sendoff; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

Sports Photo


First Place

Celebrating;; Chris Greer

Second Place

Commanding attention; North Haven Courier; Kelley Fryer

Regional A

First Place

Flagrant foul; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Second Place

Flippin’ good kick; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon

Third Place

The speed of light; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Regional B

First Place

Weston stops Barlow, HS football; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Second Place

Fighting for the ball; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Video Storytelling


First Place

Ramirez honored by Norwalk Police, city leaders; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Second Place

Kitchen fire knocks out Cranbury eatery; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Third Place

Fedor hopes ‘The Barnacle’ will reduce towing of illegally parked cars; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Regional A

First Place

The 2019 CIAC class L football championship: St. Joseph vs. Hand;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Second Place

Take a video tour of Derby’s new Ryan Sports Complex and JR Payden Field House;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Third Place

Danbury’s Rosetti overcomes speech impediment to standout at QB;; Pete Paguaga

Regional B

First Place

Watch special needs man bring joy, music to Greenwich; Greenwich Time; Tyler Sizemore, Tatiana Flowers

Second Place

Owners ‘devastated,’ fire officials investigate blaze at Tops Marketplace in Southington; Record-Journal; Richie Rathsack, Mary Ellen Godin

Third Place

Kensington State Fish Hatchery supervisor talks fishing season; Record-Journal; Ashley Kus

Regional D (Broadcast)

First Place

Turf manager; NBC 30; David Mulligan

Second Place

The cobbler; NBC 30; David Mulligan

Third Place

Making bats for the big league; Telemundo Connecticut; Miguel Santiesteban

Finalists announced for CT Excellence in Journalism 2019 contest

Below is our list of finalists for the annual Excellence in Journalism contest for content published during the 2019 calendar year. While there will be no annual awards dinner this year, we hope you can join us virtually at 2 p.m. on May 21 as we announce the winners of this year’s contest on our Facebook page. (Winners will also be posted to our website later that evening).

All Media Special Awards

First Amendment Award

Video not available; Waterbury Republican-American; Jonathan Shugarts

Tara O’Neill arrest/coverage; Connecticut Post; Tara O’Neill


Stephen A. Collins Public Service Award

Letters to the editor, politics edition; The Source; Brian Boyd, Grace Jeromski

CTNewsJunkie’s coverage leads to first release of school-level immunization data in CT; CTNewsJunkie; Christine Stuart

At risk: Boys and Girls Clubs and sexual abuse; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger, Viktoria Sundqvist, Meghan Friedmann, Humberto Rocha, Tatiana Flowers, Peter Yankowski, Lisa Yanick Litwiller

Separated by design; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Gail Hardy police shooting investigation; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

Hartford Circus Fire 75 years later; Hartford Courant; Staff of the Hartford Courant


Theodore Driscoll Award for Investigative Reporting

Bridgeport absentee voting rife with irregularities, Hearst CT probe reveals; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings, Ken Dixon, Meghan Friedmann, Kelly Kultys, Ignacio Laguarda, DJ Simmons

Sick puppies and unacceptable conditions: Documents show troubled history of CT Animal Rescue; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Jon Wardle, Erica Jorgensen

How a charter school principal got away with shoving students; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Lack of oversight, consistent promotions for New London school employees arrested in sexual assault; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Separated by design; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Investigation into allegations of inappropriate touching by a teacher; The Day; Joe Wojtas

Harassed at work; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt, Emilie Munson


Arts & Entertainment


Eagle sculptures appear in meadow; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Miggs, his muse Mimi and a postage stamp career canceled;; James Lomuscio

New poet laureate: Westport has poets, though not celebrated;; James Lomuscio

Pianist Chiu, library too, celebrated at BOOKED for the evening;; James Lomuscio

Off-Beat Players go, go, go Joseph; Greenwich Sentinel; Paul Silverfarb

From baked goods to Broadway productions; The Sound; Pem McNerney

Regional A

Connecticut native’s book hits the big screen; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

Photo exhibit aims to draw attention to the ‘(un)Forgotten’; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

Review: ‘Girls’; Hartford Courant; Christopher Arnott

At 17, Sutton Brown Mock already has an impressive track record; Connecticut Post; Jo Kroeker

Portraits from the past; The Day; John Ruddy

Voices of protest at UConn; The Day; John Ruddy

Goodspeed’s Jay Hilton is skilled in the art of sound design; The Day; Kristina Dorsey

Reimagining the Nut Lady and her art; The Day; Lee Howard

 (Not) on a roll; Hartford Courant; Leeanne Griffin

Internet spat blamed for cancellation of Palace gig; Waterbury Republican-American; Martha Shanahan

A year after double lung transplant, Geoff Corkhill and Village Jammers back together; The Day; Rick Koster

Hartford gun-violence doc ‘the Sweetest Land’ to be screened in New Haven; Hartford Courant; Susan Dunne

Regional B

Spirit of Woodstock alive at Shaboo; The Chronicle; Ekaterine Tchelidze

After two decades of financial challenges, The Bushnell eyes a debt-free existence; Hartford Business Journal; Frank Rizzo

Greenwich? Shazam; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

Avril Lavigne to play Oakdale in Wallingford, Lyme disease fundraiser; Record-Journal; Lauren Takores

Cello and cinema: The two worlds of Westport’s Joel L. Freedman; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Little Theatre’s ‘Normal Heart’  addresses AIDS crisis; Journal Inquirer; Tim Leininger

Regional C (Magazine)

Curating success; Seasons Magazine; Amy J. Barry

Conducting herself with pride; Connecticut Voice; Cara Rosner

All that jazz; Seasons Magazine; Douglas Maine

James Whiteside: This Connecticut native and dancer has all the right moves; Connecticut Voice; Frank Rizzo

Long Wharf’s leap of faith; New Haven Biz; Frank Rizzo

The next act; Seasons Magazine; Frank Rizzo

Upstaged by love; Seasons Magazine; Joel Samberg

Silent comedies with live music at the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival; Connecticut Magazine; Mike Wollschlager

Portrait of the artist as an unknown man; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Regional D (Broadcast)

The piano; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte


Audio Storytelling

Regional A

The oral history of the 1999 NCAA Championship winning UConn men’s basketball team 20 years later; Hartford Courant; Chris Brodeur

Stricter rules for SNAP would hurt those that need it most; Connecticut Health I-Team; Colleen Shaddox

Woodstock, 50 years on; The Day; Lee Howard

Welcome to Corrupticut; Hartford Courant; Mike Hamad

Regional B

‘Phantom of the Opera’ to haunt the Oakdale in Wallingford; Record-Journal; Lauren Takores

On the record music: An interview with the Spin Doctors; Record-Journal; Lauren Takores


Breaking News


An immigrant evades ICE, after courthouse standoff; New Haven Independent; Eugene Driscoll, Thomas Breen, Christopher Peak

Fire reported at Christ & Holy Trinity Church;; Gordon Joseloff, Dave Matlow

No more Joey’s By the Shore;; James Lomuscio

Westport pizzeria closing Jan. 11;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

Violent rivalry explodes in courthouse melee; Connecticut Post; Daniel Tepfer

Yale, Harvard protest; New Haven Register; Jim Fuller, Dan Haar

Bradley plane crash; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

Crack overdoses catch Hartford off guard; Hartford Courant; Rebecca Lurye

Regional B

Car chase ends in fatal shootout; The Chronicle; Claire Galvin

Valerie Reyes murder; Greenwich Time; Hannah Dellinger, Rob Marchant, Humberto J. Rocha

Brunswick coaches, nurses, staff act fast at terrible crash; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Police: Trail stabbing resulted from teens’ feud; Journal Inquirer; Matthew P. Knox, Anthony Branciforte

EH deadly shooting leaves Skyline Drive residents shaken; Journal Inquirer; Vin Gallo

Regional D (Broadcast)

Man killed when barn collapses; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Kenny Mahoney

Students injured in school bus crash; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Maura Murphy

Homes destroyed in Old Saybrook fire; NBC 30; Nicholas Doscher, Jamie Ratliff




No more Joey’s By the Shore;; James Lomuscio

Westport pizzeria closing Jan. 11;; James Lomuscio

With Sparks Cycleworks, Matt Schell is going places; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

Trade war with China is hitting Connecticut and tea drinkers are paying more; Hartford Courant; Christopher Keating

Unions inspired by success of Stop & Shop strike; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

The immigrant heart of a historic McDonald’s union drive; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Can Connecticut compete with Boston?; Hartford Courant; Daniela Altimari

Manufacturing pipeline connects seekers, jobs; The Day; Erica Moser

Amazon to bring mostly part-time jobs to Stratford; Connecticut Post; Jordan Grice

U-Haul delivery picks up slack; Connecticut Post; Jordan Grice

Smashed windows a pane for merchants; Connecticut Post; Jordan Grice, Tara O’Neill

Home prices in most Connecticut towns still struggling to recover; Hartford Courant; Kenneth R. Gosselin

‘It’s sad, very, very sad’; Hartford Courant; Kenneth R. Gosselin

Reviving Parkville; Hartford Courant; Kenneth R. Gosselin

Southeastern Connecticut is under the social media influence; The Day; Mary Biekert

Connecticut’s incredibly shrinking workforce; Hartford Courant; Stephen Singer

Stop & Shop’s strategy to compete; Hartford Courant; Stephen Singer

Regional B

Can a $100M redevelopment plan turn Pratt Street into Hartford’s crown ‘jewel’?; Hartford Business Journal; Gregory Seay

Southington bar may end live music after copyright suit; Record-Journal; Jesse Buchanan

A few keys to choosing an accountant; Stamford Advocate; Julie Jason

Clarification coming for brokers, advisers; Stamford Advocate; Julie Jason

Retirement legislation may bring changes; Stamford Advocate; Julie Jason

Boon or burden? What Trump’s investor-enticing tax breaks mean for Norwalk; The Hour; Justin Papp

Obsolescence of Wallingford’s former BMS building reflects shift in big pharma; Record-Journal; Mary Ellen Godin

Businesses struggling in Storrs; The Chronicle; Michelle Firestone

Loxo Oncology’s pioneering drug cures Bridgeport toddler’s cancer; Stamford Advocate; Paul Schott

Is the time right for TikTok marketing?; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Norwalk towing company brings The Barnacle to Connecticut parking enforcement; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Is CBD a ‘wonder drug’ for state’s economy?; Journal Inquirer; Zachary F. Vasile

Regional C (Magazine)

Making it right; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter

The only constant is change: How to survive in manufacturing; New Haven Biz; Michelle Tuccitto Sullo

Why Quantum Circuits’ Schoelkopf may be the Steve Jobs of the 21st century; New Haven Biz; Michelle Tuccitto Sullo

Regional D (Broadcast)

Privacy for sale: Protecting your personal data online; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison, Jon Wardle

Business buzz: Bringing the bees to Subway; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Buttons, bombs, branzino: Ideal fish; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Carfax caution:  Vehicle history may not tell the whole story; NBC 30; Sandra Jones


Continuing Coverage


Fairfield Board of Finance and the fill pile crisis; Fairfield Patch; Anna Bybee-Schier

Beat coverage of New Haven’s school superintendent; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

At P&Z, minor tweaks for summit Saugatuck;; James Lomuscio

Norwalk works to restart stalled project as lawsuit swirls; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Tensions erupt between Norwalk Board of Education and local NAACP; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Matsu Sushi saga; Westport News; Sophie Vaughan, Lynandro (DJ) Simmons, Liana Teixeira

Regional A

UConn’s athletic department balances deficit with big dreams for the future; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman, Mike Anthony, Dan Brechlin

2 cops take own lives amid probe; Connecticut Post; Dan Tepfer, Tara O’Neill, Brian Lockhart

When the Hartford Diocese released the names of pedophile priests one stood out – Daniel McSheffery; Hartford Courant; Dave Altimari

Questions raised about forensic scientist Henry Lee; Hartford Courant; Dave Altimari, Edmund H. Mahony, David Owens

New Britain mayor Erin Stewart and social media attack; Hartford Courant; Don Stacom, Rebecca Lurye

PFAS spill in Farmington River; Hartford Courant; Gregory B. Hladky

The May 24, 2019 disappearance of New Canaan mother of five; Hartford Courant; Hartford Courant staff

Wethersfield police shooting; Hartford Courant; Hartford Courant staff

Small solutions to climate change; Connecticut Mirror; Jan Ellen Spiegel

A baby’s birth behind bars prompts suit, promises of reform; Connecticut Mirror; Jenna Carlesso

The vaccination exemption controversy and public data; Connecticut Mirror; Jenna Carlesso

Partnership for Connecticut; Connecticut Mirror; Keith Phaneuf, Kathleen Megan

Bridgeport mayoral primary focus of absentee ballot charges.; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Dulos coverage; Connecticut Post; Lisa Backus, Pat Tomlinson, Ethan Fry, Jim Shay

Confession; Waterbury Republican-American; Michael Puffer, Brigitte Ruthman, Jonathan Shugarts, Paul Hughes

Gail Hardy police shooting investigation; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

Danbury cop who shot 2 in six months, one fatally; News-Times; Rob Ryser, Peter Yankowski

Absentee voting violations rampant; Connecticut Post; Staff

Regional B

Greenwich Parents, administrators at odds over special education; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

 ‘Signgate’ raises questions about Greenwich police captain’s first amendment rights; Greenwich Time; Ken Borsuk

Following the search for Meriden mother Perrie Mason; Record-Journal; Lauren Sellew, Ashley Kus, Matthew Zabierek

Prison health care; Journal Inquirer; Will Healey

Regional D (Broadcast)

‘I did not sign up for violence’: Health care workers targeted by patients; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, David Mulligan, Jon Wardle




Illegally secret cop drug policy released; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Judge rules in favor of hash brown defense;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

Delay dooms murder cases; Connecticut Post; Daniel Tepfer

Decades later, troubling questions remain about two murders convictions and the role of Henry Lee; Hartford Courant; Edmund Mahony

Police are dealing with an epidemic of auto theft in affluent Connecticut suburbs.; Hartford Courant; Edmund Mahony, Dave Altimari

Longtime but embattled New London firefighter set to retire; The Day; Greg Smith

Bullet rips through wall; Waterbury Republican-American; Jonathan Shugarts

Almost empty “monument” to punishment; Connecticut Mirror; Kelan Lyons

Casting a ballot from behind bars: No easy process; Connecticut Mirror; Kelan Lyons

Gail Hardy police shootings investigation; Hartford Courant; Nicholas Rondinone

DNA from beer mug leads to suspect in 40-year-old cold case death of Stonington woman’s sister; The Day; Taylor Hartz

Leah Ulbrich cold case; Hartford Courant; Zach Murdock

Leah Ulbrich cold case: a broken cycle of pain; Hartford Courant; Zach Murdock

Regional B

Kavanaugh defense calls for bail reform; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

The case against Cuba Gooding Jr.; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Truly progressive prosecution; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Advocates: Greenwich murder discovery a grim reminder of violent reality for women; Greenwich Time; Hannah Dellinger

Six signs of escalating domestic violence in Dulos marriage; Greenwich Time; Hannah Dellinger

Southington sex trafficking case: ‘It’s happening in this town, you just don’t know it.’; Record-Journal; Jesse Buchanan

Bristol store clerk reflects on armed robbery that left him bloodied, fearful; The Bristol Press; Justin Muszynski

Lawyer, former Bristol councilor Jodi Zils Gagne sentenced to 46 months in prison; The Bristol Press; Justin Muszynski

Dog owners sought ‘intervention’; Journal Inquirer; Matthew P. Knox

Regional C (Magazine)

How Scott Semple helped turn Connecticut’s prisons into a nationally recognized laboratory of reform; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Regional D (Broadcast)

Until they all come home: Connecticut’s unsolved missing persons mysteries; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Connecticut State Police major crimes van; NBC 30; Jamie Ratliff, Nicholas Doscher

Cow slaughter commotion; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, David Michnowicz



Regional A

Hoops wins are a draw at UConn; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Examing 27 years of taxes spending; The Day; Erica Moser, Carlos Virgen

Database: Child sexual abuse at the Boys & Girls Clubs; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger, Lisa Yanick Litwiller, Viktoria Sundqvist, Meghan Friedmann, Peter Yankowski, Tatiana Flowers, Humberto J. Rocha

Prescription opioids targeted Connecticut’s most vulnerable citizens; Connecticut Health I-Team; Steve Hamm, Marie K. Shanahan

Pharma cash flows to doctors for consultant work despite scrutiny; Connecticut Health I-Team; Sujata Srinivasan, Marie K. Shanahan

Regional B

CT university endowments riding post-recession growth wave as tuition continues to rise; Hartford Business Journal; Sean Teehan, Matt Pilon

Regional C (Magazine)

How long you live may be affected by your community; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Regional D (Broadcast)

Sleepless in Connecticut? How where you live can affect how you sleep; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Delayed departures: Flying smarter this holiday season; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Garett Allison


Diversity Coverage


Film will tell James’ and Petry’s family story in their own words; Harbor News; Aviva Luria

Untold black & Latinx history surfaces; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Addressing inclusivity in Westport schools;; Jarret Liotta

Regional A

Feuds, scandals snag group; Connecticut Post; Brian Lockhart

Moore fights charge she’s not ‘really black’; Connecticut Post; Brian Lockhart

Medicaid expansion helped reduce disparities in cancer care; Connecticut Health I-Team; Cara Rosner

Haitian seeks freedom — with help from community, doctors; The Day; Claire Bessette

Book project bringing diverse literature to Hamden schools; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan

New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart and social media attacks; Hartford Courant; Don Stacom

Former state official posts social media attacks on Mayor Erin Stewart; Hartford Courant; Don Stacom, Rebecca Lurye

Most OB-GYN practices fall short in caring for women with disabilities; Connecticut Health I-Team; Elizabeth Heubeck

New lives for residents with developmental disabilities; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Transgender sports debate; Connecticut Mirror; Kathleen Megan

Parents’ erractic work schedules put children at risk; Connecticut Health I-Team; Lisa Backus, Carl Jordan Castro

For LGBTQ community, gay bars are ‘safe place’ to experiment, find oneself; The Day; Mary Biekert

Regional B

Youth homelessness a hidden problem in Fairfield County; The Hour; Justin Papp

 Regional C (Magazine)

Conducting herself with pride; Connecticut Voice; Cara Rosner

It’s not a phase: Bisexual people know exactly who they are; Connecticut Voice; Dawn Ennis

Coming out: Scary, sad, surprising, and joyful tales of that life-changing moment; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Raising the curtain: LGBTQ students find theater a welcoming home; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Life in the fast lane: People of all identities enjoy a game of hard knocks; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Coming to America – Part II; Seasons Magazine; Sarah Wesley Lemire

Game on: Special Olympics celebrates 50th; Seasons Magazine; Teresa Pelham



Regional A

Legislators look to dodge again on tolls; Connecticut Post; Hugh Bailey

The shifting hues of 9/11; Connecticut Post; John Breuning

Bill would allow too much police secrecy; The Day; Paul Choiniere

Connecticut should withdraw from flawed, foolish popular vote compact; The Day; Paul Choiniere

Regional B

State health leader must take stand on measles; News-Times; Jacqueline Smith

New group starts by meeting behind closed doors; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz


Editorial Cartoon

Regional A

State begins taxing plastic bags; The Day; Jacinta Meyers, Paul Choiniere

State increases minimum wage; The Day; Paul Choiniere, Jacinta Meyers

Regional B

Honk if you hate tolls; Record-Journal; Kevin Markowski

Town’s slow online evolution; Record-Journal; Kevin Markowski




One school, one book, one message of inclusion; Harbor News; Aviva Luria

Two segregated schools, two reactions; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

At Staples commencement, family and school ties celebrated;; James Lomuscio

Regional A

Parents concerned Hamden special education system is harming children; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan

A calling with a price: Early childhood educators find low pay for important jobs; Connecticut Post; Linda Conner Lambeck

Regional B

Middletown teacher fosters intellect of 6-year-old ‘mathematical genius’; Middletown Press; Cassandra Day

Garcia is out; The Chronicle; Claire Galvin

Leaked email causes turbulence for Norwalk school board in flux; The Hour; Justin Papp

Amid attempts to expand community-college access, current students struggle to graduate; Hartford Business Journal; Sean Teehan, Matt Pilon

Program helps special education students find work after graduation; Journal Inquirer; Skyler Frazer

Regional C (Magazine)

Kids who sign; Hartford Magazine; Alix Boyle

Work of art; Seasons Magazine; Amy J. Barry

Dream memorial; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

Making it right; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter

Meera Viswanathan: emboldening and inspiring girls at Ethel Walker; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan, Mark Mirko

Major (and minor) ambitions; Seasons Magazine; Joel Samberg

Regional D (Broadcast)

Connecticut school teachers concerned about ‘old, sick buildings’; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

The cost of teaching part 1: Teacher spending and supplies; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

The cost of teaching part 2: Teacher pay and additional jobs; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle


Feature Photo


Rev up the washing machines;; Anna-Liisa Nixon

Bubble man;; Gordon Joseloff

Jack and his jack-o’-lantern await Halloween visitors;; Gordon Joseloff

To catch a thief or not;; Helen Klisser During

Here comes lunch;; J. C. Martin

Grassy Strip concert weathers the storm; The Source; Kelley Fryer

Regional A

Day of the Dead Festival; New Haven Register; Arnold Gold

Love marches on; New Haven Register; Arnold Gold

Naugatuck police promoted; Waterbury Republican-American; Bill Shettle

Row, row, row your boat; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Umbrella alley; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Work hard, play hard; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Derby demolition begins; Connecticut Post; Brian Pounds

Elf off the shelf; Connecticut Post; Brian Pounds

Crab counting; The Day; Dana Jensen

Goat herder; The Day; Dana Jensen

Pumpkin picking; The Day; Dana Jensen

Catch them if you can; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon

Lance blast; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Summertime blues; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Victory sign; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Neon wonderland; New Haven Register; Peter Hvizdak

Arts critic; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Jellyfish costume; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Purim play; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Ballet boys; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Confidence course; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Eid prayers; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Regional B

Fall foliage selfie; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Judge in the boxing ring; Stamford Advocate; Christian Abraham

Moon over eagle on landing anniversary; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Powderpuff cheerleader goes airborn; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Valentine’s Day anniversary; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Sunflower girl; Journal Inquirer; Jim Michaud

Look up, but don’t look down; The Chronicle; Roxanne Pandolfi

Puppy kisses; The Chronicle; Roxanne Pandolfi

Greenwich preschoolers step up to celebrate accomplishments; Greenwich Time; Tyler Sizemore

Regional C (Magazine)

Special-effects wiz; Connecticut Magazine; Peter Hvizdak

Flamig Farm; Today Magazine; Seshu Badrinath

WWII vet John Benjamin; Today Magazine; Seshu Badrinath

In the setting of her thriller; Wilton Magazine; Stan Godlewski

Wisdom in the window; Seasons Magazine; Stan Godlewski

All aflutter; Today Magazine; Wendy Rosenberg

Chef Denise Appel; Seasons Magazine; Winter Caplanson


Feature Story


Students aim for 2-language seal; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

The Justin B. Weaver Scholarship Fund: Area student receives scholarship; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Young volunteer restores cemetery; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Residents Recall the Flood 1955; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Eighth annual Maker Faire: Innovation with an eco twist;; James Lomuscio

Nick Zeoli: Love of town(s) and country;; James Lomuscio

Back to the future; The Source; Maria Caulfield

Tenants line up for The SoNo Collection, except on third floor; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

The secret to Arnold’s success; Guilford Courier; Pem McNerney

Regional A

Far from the headaches of governing; Hartford Courant; Chris Keating

‘All I have is a freaking handprint’; Hartford Courant; Christine Dempsey

Maimed by homemade fireworks; Hartford Courant; Christine Dempsey

Cesar Pelli’s death; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Fausto Canales, immigrant janitor under siege by Trump; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

NY toll; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

‘Absolutely transformed ‘; Hartford Courant; Daniela Altimari

As Connecticut considers adding electronic tolls, talk radio fuels the debate; Hartford Courant; Daniela Altimari

Brigid Curtin; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Coyote attacks; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Joe Heller and his off-color obituary; Hartford Courant; Jesse Leavenworth

Kids return to trenches where Connecticut soldiers fought a century ago; Hartford Courant; Jesse Leavenworth

A magnificent ruin; The Day; John Ruddy

Baby turtles crash local beach wedding; Connecticut Post; Jordan Fenster

Giant orange traffic cone shares heartbreaking story; Connecticut Post; Jordan Fenster

Lamont’s 2nd home far off the beaten path; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt

Election of first openly gay Kid Governor; Connecticut Mirror; Kathleen Megan

Running into an unclear future; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

Ella Grasso turns 100; Connecticut Mirror; Mark Pazniokas

Susan Bysiewicz and the never-ending campaign; Connecticut Mirror; Mark Pazniokas

East Haven’s Tolli’s Apizza poised to expand — to South Carolina; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Fireflies, miracle beacons of summer, may be in decline; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Steve Rodgers re-emerges with a fine new acoustic album — and a Mighty Purple reunion; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Door to healing: 3 years after death, Maddie’s family gets a sign; The Day; Mary Biekert

The flu pandemic; Waterbury Republican-American; Michael DeGirolamo Jr.

Regional B

Meriden diner’s rebirth stirs memories, hopes for future as The Landmark; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Thursday night thunder car cruise brings community together; Neighbors Paper; Corey Sipe

‘Your loss is my gain’; Journal Inquirer; Joe Chaisson

Podcast hosts celebrate business, community in Cheshire; Record-Journal; Michael Gagne

‘Somebody’s loving turtles’; The Chronicle; Michelle Firestone

Stanley Cardona: From homeless teen to youth of the year; The Bristol Press; Susan Corica

Grandparents raising grandchildren face financial hardship; The Hour; Tatiana Flowers

Regional C (Magazine)

Heart of the matter: Wallingford nonprofit delivers lifesaving technology; Seasons Magazine; Amy J. Barry

D-Day redux; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

A vision for the future; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter

Firehouse dinner; Hartford Magazine; Catherine Blinder

Rural bliss; Hartford Magazine; Christopher Arnott

Writing his next act; Connecticut Voice; Frank Rizzo

The longest short drive; Connecticut Voice; Jane Latus

Forces of nature; Seasons Magazine; Joel Samberg

Where community percolates: Freshly roasted, with face-to-face time; Hartford Magazine; Leonard Felson

Willie Nelson: On the sidewalk, belting out songs on the trumpet; Hartford Magazine; Leonard Felson. Michael McAndrews

30 women of distinction; Hartford Magazine; Nancy Schoeffler

Sail on; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Stone and story – reinventing a 1765 farm; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Final destination; Seasons Magazine; Stan Godlewski

People across Connecticut are creating a pollinator pathway for bees and butterflies; Connecticut Magazine; Theresa Sullivan Barger

Regional D (Broadcast)

Take a tour of some of Connecticut’s tiny homes; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

Apex predator: Connecticut’s bobcat boom; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

The piano; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Firefighter baby boom; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Maura Murphy

Bird strikes; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Garett Allison, David Michnowicz

WWII soldier’s remains returned home; NBC 30; Nicholas Doscher, Jamie Ratliff


General Column


Oy to the world; The Source; Lisa Nee

Musings from Mara December; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Regional A

Prison inmates shouldn’t have to pay for phone calls; Hartford Courant; Chandra Bozelko

Prosecutor transparency bill doesn’t go far enough; New Haven Register; Chandra Bozelko

Dan Haar: The immigrant heart of a historic McDonald’s union drive; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Tea tariffs, with Cindi Bigelow outraged, invoking the Boston Tea Party; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

What’s missing in climate war, personal sacrifice; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Lamont should demand resignations at scandal-ridden port authority; The Day; David Collins

Only you can prevent global warming; Connecticut Mirror; David Holahan

The company our president keeps; Connecticut Mirror; David Holahan

What do rich people want besides more money?; Connecticut Mirror; David Holahan

Being an honest reporter; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger

Investigating Boys & Girls Clubs and sex abuse brings reporter full circle; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger

Linda McMahon performs daring Cabinet escape; Connecticut Post; Hugh Bailey

Confidential proposal aims to sell lamont’s toll plan to legislators, citizens; Hartford Courant; Jon Lender

‘Circus of con artists’ in Hartford; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Inner city kids’ club needs help; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

The subtext of lawyers, guns and money; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Making gefilte fish: A connection to generations past; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

New Haven’s George Baker joins the other musical legends in Heaven; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Sandy Hook and the humans who write the headlines; Connecticut Post; Matt DeRienzo

For Hy’s 85 years, the laughter never stopped; New Haven Register; Randall Beach

Regional B

Cancel not, lest ye be canceled; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Good on Goodell for Pro Bowl decision; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Journalism and prisons don’t mix — but they should; Norwich Bulletin; Chandra Bozelko

Back in the day; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

Is Greenwich shrinking?; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

Tolls are the ultimate expression of pay as you go; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

9/11 is never over; Stamford Advocate; Deborah DiSesa Hirsch

Bracing for moving day; Stamford Advocate; Deborah DiSesa Hirsch

Time delivers proof of motherhood; Stamford Advocate; Deborah DiSesa Hirsch

A blueprint to lowering Hartford’s property-tax rate.; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro

Declaring war on nip bottles; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz

Meriden’s East Cemetery gets the respect it deserves; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz

Shielding police department’s honor; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

What we still refuse to see; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

Regional C (Magazine)

Heart families: Choosing your family is an emotional and rewarding adventure; Connecticut Voice; Kevin Lembo

As the crows fly; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Slow shopping; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Take home poems; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper




RTM ‘at a standstill’ on Fairfield fill pile fix; Fairfield Patch; Anna Bybee-Schier

Suburbs profit off New Haven’s magnets; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Clinton clamps down on press access; Harbor News; Eric O’Connell

RTM bans plastic cups, straws, stirrers, and styrofoam;; James Lomuscio

RTM votes down recreational marijuana ban;; James Lomuscio

Norwalk DPW repairs surprise dam; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Norwalk plans nationwide search for tax assessors as ‘uncertain’ appeal processes wear on; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Soon-to-be-revealed $80M ‘POKO’ plan detailed in sneak peak; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Regional A

Dan Haar: CT politicos sit out impeachment history; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Pot for Dan, gold for Josh; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

Tolls standoff, a play in one act; Connecticut Post; Dan Haar

‘Absolutely transformed’; Hartford Courant; Daniela Altimari

In Connecticut’s Trump country, a divide over impeachment; Hartford Courant; Daniela Altimari, Eliza Fawcett, Christopher Keating

CT congressional candidate in Trump’s inner circle – or is he?; Connecticut Post; Emilie Munson

What’s with the blank “ATTRACTIONS” signs on I-95?; The Day; Erica Moser

Not yet back to normal; The Day; Julia Bergman

Lamont hires cousin’s son for $52,000 job; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt

Debate surrounds exemption law; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Medical pot draws more investment; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

New laws aimed at transparency; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

A profile of Connecticut’s lieutenant governor; Connecticut Mirror; Mark Pazniokas

This Kennedy embraces science on environment, not vaccines; Connecticut Mirror; Mark Pazniokas

Getting beyond the ugly; Waterbury Republican-American; Michael Puffer

Broken roads; Waterbury Republican-American; Paul Hughes

Regional B

Supporters and opponents discuss newly reopened I-95 North Westbrook Welcome Center; Connecticut Times; Corey Sipe

Concrete hurts grand lists; Journal Inquirer; Eric Bedner

Norwalk officials grapple with social media’s changing legal landscape; The Hour; Justin Papp

Town of Wallingford did not sell Pierce plant despite candidate’s claim; Record-Journal; Lauren Takores

CT’s biggest corporate incentive you’ve never heard of; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Decades later, Meriden taxpayers strapped by ‘old sins’; Record-Journal; Matthew Zabierek

Moving ahead: Officials defend actions after Kennedy departure; The Chronicle; Michelle Firestone

Regional D (Broadcast)

Dispatch delays; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Garett Allison

Saving millions with regional radios; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle




Days of wine at Roses; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

Headlines; The Day; Joe Turco

Ruddy headlines; The Day; John Ruddy

Law and disorder/Elf off the shelf/Love wins; Connecticut Post; Susan Nusbaum

Regional C (Magazine)

Upstaged by love; Funny bones; Major (and minor) ambitions; Seasons Magazine; Carol Latter

Progressions to the bean; The sounds of silence; Cheese greater; Connecticut Magazine; Mike Wollschlager




Bob LeRose on the blues and healing;; James Lomuscio

GHS students say it’s time to talk about menstruation; Guilford Courier; Jesse Williams

Regional A

Is it the flu or a vaping-related illness? How to tell the difference; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

48% Of nursing homes rated above average for staffing, under new CMS rankings; Connecticut Health I-Team; Cara Rosner

Desensitization gives some children with food allergies a viable treatment option; Connecticut Health I-Team; Cara Rosner

Ordeal for retired Bristol firefighter; Hartford Courant; Don Stacom

Yale hospital team saves baby’s life with rare heart surgery; New Haven Register; Ed Stannard

Medical miracle; The Day; Karen Florin

Son of murder victim seeks stability, freedom from state ‘system’; The Day; Karen Florin

Elder abuse investigations more than doubled in seven years; Connecticut Health I-Team; Kate Farrish, Carl Jordan Castro

Filling the primary care gap: Nurse practitioners; Connecticut Health I-Team; Steve Hamm

Hartford woman wouldn’t wait to confront suspected breast cancer head-on; Hartford Courant; Theresa Sullivan Barger

When cancer diagnosis causes spouse to retreat, seek support elsewhere, experts say; Hartford Courant; Theresa Sullivan Barger

Regional B

With their costs under fire, long-term care hospitals push back, pivot; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Greenwich residents on Medicare, Medicaid struggle to find health care specialists; The Hour; Tatiana Flowers

Regional C (Magazine)

Healing horses; Seasons Magazine; Alix Boyle

Sports injuries: who plays, who’s out; Hartford Magazine; Mary Anne Chute Lynch

On the wings of love: Rothberg’s revolutionary ultrasound device meets the marketplace; New Haven Biz; Michael C. Bingham

Drugged out; New Haven Biz; Natalie Missakian

Leading scientists and biotech industry leaders are on a personal mission to combat deadly diseases; New Haven Biz; Natalie Missakian

Soul fitness; Seasons Magazine; Sarah Wesley Lemire

New Year’s fitness resolutions: Start small; Connecticut Magazine; Theresa Sullivan Barger

Regional D (Broadcast)

Could your teen have a secret stash of drugs in their bedroom?; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Garett Allison

Is pet health insurance worth the cost?; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Heart of a champion: Milford Olympian ‘defying’ Alzheimer’s; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Preventable tragedies: Dozens of Connecticut babies lost each year to unsafe sleep; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Limited access to restaurant inspections; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Matthew Glasser, Garett Allison, Jon Wardle

Vaping epidemic: Who’s to blame?; NBC 30; Sandra Jones


Humorous Column


Musings from Mara May; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Regional A

A club you can only be born into; Connecticut Post; Hugh Bailey

Blame the drivers, not the roads; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Gray Bridgeport and bright Oz; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Inhaling spring across state lines; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Rick’s list — RIP Harold Bloom edition; The Day; Rick Koster

Regional B

Whatz yn a nayme?; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

A post mortem for Latin; Record-Journal; Glenn Richter

Google it or use the dictionary?; Record-Journal; Glenn Richter

How much time do you have left?; Record-Journal; Glenn Richter

OMG am I missing the (exclamation) point; Record-Journal; Jeffery Kurz

How to bathe a baby, and yourself; Stamford Advocate; Jerry Zezima

Something fishy at our house; Stamford Advocate; Jerry Zezima

The moving company declares Chapter 60; Stamford Advocate; Jerry Zezima

New Santa Claus is coming to town; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

When the kid met the Kidz; Stamford Advocate; John Breunig

Going green: Is it possible to go too far; The Chronicle; Traci Hastings

Regional C (Magazine)

Making good; Stamford Magazine; Beth Levine

The old barn: Metaphor in plain sight; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan

A Clinton quiz; Hartford Magazine; Frank Rizzo

Funny bones; Seasons Magazine; Matthew Dicks, Sean Wang

Simply pleasures; Seasons Magazine; Matthew Dicks, Sean Wang

The worst of times; Seasons Magazine; Matthew Dicks, Sean Wang




Inspector tried to charge Bartlett a decade ago, report says; Fairfield Patch; Anna Bybee-Schier

City weighs school change 3.0; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

A day in the life with Marine Officer Brendan Fearon;; James Lomuscio

‘Helping Haitians heal Haitians’; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

Sweitzer explains Enterprise Zone tax abatements; not a tax ‘credit’; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Saving lives—Just another day at the beach for Hammo lifeguards; The Source; Pem McNerney

Regional A

Empty promises and empty seats; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Missing money, lax oversight in Bridgeport scrap-for-cash scandal; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings

Connecticut has 6 of the 100 worst traffic bottlenecks in the country; Hartford Courant; Christopher Keating

CT bill would help towns buy their streetlight; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan

CT congressional candidate in Trump’s inner circle – or is he?; Connecticut Post; Emilie Munson

Invisible walls; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Advocates of legal pot regroup as black market thrives; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

As coastal waters rise CT plots climate-change strategy; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Vanishing profit lays waste to state’s recycling system; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Everything you need to know about tolls; The Day; Lindsay Boyle

Time is key to stroke treatment but gaps exist in Connecticut; Connecticut Health I-Team; Lisa Backus

Prescription opioids targeted Connecticut’s most vulnerable citizens; Connecticut Health I-Team; Steve Hamm, Marie K. Shanahan

Pharma cash flows to doctors for consultant work despite scrutiny; Connecticut Health I-Team; Sujata Srinivasan, Marie K. Shanahan

Regional B

Grateful for smelly water; Journal Inquirer; Alex Wood

Trying to avoid CT taxes by becoming a part-time resident? It’s harder than you think.; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro

Kent murder suspect highlights gaps in mental health system; News-Times; Julia Perkins

Public housing: Once desired, now a decades-long decline in CT; The Hour; Justin Papp

Podcast renews interest in Wallingford missing child cold case; Record-Journal; Lauren Takores

Mission to monitor geese takes flight; The Chronicle; Lisa Massicotte

Documents reveal fired Meriden police captain secretly recorded meetings; Record-Journal; Matthew Zabierek

Family evacuated from Puerto Rico sues over SWAT raid of their Meriden apartment; Record-Journal; Matthew Zabierek

Danbury Hospital tops in state for suing patients on unpaid bills; News-Times; Rob Ryser

Newtown’s armed school guards a model for Connecticut; News-Times; Rob Ryser

Regional C (Magazine)

Attacking alcoholism; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

Sea change: As climate warms, insurance rates are rising fast; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan

Accident or arson? The Hartford Circus fire 75 years later; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

Horsing around; Seasons Magazine; John Torsiello

Regional D (Broadcast)

Bus drivers reveal ‘wild’ side of public transit in CT; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, David Michnowicz

Mother’s dying wish for ‘green’ burial hits red tape; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Apex predator: Connecticut’s bobcat boom; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Preventable tragedies: Dozens of Connecticut babies lost each year to unsafe sleep; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Well water woes; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, David Michnowicz, Katherine Loy

Police PTSD; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle

E-Scooters to the ER?  Riders and accidents are on the rise.; NBC 30; Sandra Jones


Infographic Design

Regional A

Interactive quiz of questions about the Clintons history; Hartford Courant; Chris Moore

Regional C (Magazine)

Purdue Pharma and OxyContin: A timeline; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody


Infographic Reporting

Regional A

Hartford Circus Fire 75 years later; Hartford Courant; Hartford Courant staff

Jennifer Dulos disappearance; Hartford Courant; Tim Reck, Dave Altimari

A look at Hartford’s completed and ongoing developments; Hartford Courant; Tim Reck, Kenneth G. Gosselin




Fairfield official took pavers planned for Julian sale: Legal doc; Fairfield Patch; Anna Bybee-Schier

Video captures principal shoving student; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Parent: Complaint to state led to KHS leaves of absences;; Gordon Joseloff

Barbis accused of owing $1 million in outstanding personal income taxes; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Reviewing new facility options while fixing issues at aging North Branford High School; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

No-bid city purchases raise fears of abuse; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings, Brian Lockhart

Absentee voting violations rampant; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings, Ken Dixon, Meghan Friedmann, Ignacio Lagarda, DJ Simmons

Lack of oversight, consistent promotions for New London school employees arrested in sexual assault; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

At risk: Boys and Girls Clubs and sexual abuse; Connecticut Post; Hannah Dellinger, Viktoria Sundqvist, Humberto Rocha, Meghan Friedmann, Tatiana Flowers, Peter Yankowski, Lisa Yanick Litwiller

Invisible walls; Connecticut Mirror; Jacqueline Rabe Thomas

Investigation into allegations of inappropriate touching by a teacher; The Day; Joe Wojtas

Hospital facing scrutiny; Waterbury Republican-American; Jonathan Shugarts, Harrison Connery

Lamont hires cousin’s son for $52,000 job; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt

Elder abuse investigations more than doubled in seven years; Connecticut Health I-Team; Kate Farrish, Carl Jordan Castro

Town: Cops faked policy; Waterbury Republican-American; Kaylee Pugliese

Large pensions spark debate; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Regional B

Campaign donors have ties to Southington developer; Record-Journal; Jesse Buchanan

CT bullying law flawed, review of records shows; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Soldier schools get shaft?; The Chronicle; Lisa Massicotte

UConn Health research shows tens of thousands of CT residents faced medical-debt lawsuits; Hartford Business Journal; Matt Pilon

Cheshire fish kill; Record-Journal; Michael Gagne

Regional D (Broadcast)

Officers at Scene of State Trooper Crash Raised Concerns of Drunk Driving; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill

Sick puppies and unacceptable conditions: Documents show troubled history of CT Animal Rescue; NBC 30; Caitlin Burchill, Jon Wardle, Erica Jorgensen

Drive only license fraud; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle

Whiting whistleblower; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Jon Wardle




Keeping bees safe: Gentile shares pollinator-friendly tips; The Sound; Pam Johnson

Regional A

Holidays; Keep the liquids local; Nearby wineries, breweries and distilleries make holiday bright; Connecticut Post; Amanda Cuda

Pumpkin diaries; The Day; Erica Moser

Winery kicks off Passport Program; Connecticut Post; Michael P. Mayko

There’s value in the past; The Day; Phil Hall

Regional B

Tabletop gaming opportunities at The Dragon’s Lair in Wallingford; Record-Journal; Ashley Kus

Southington restaurant Nataz puts emphasis on quality, adventure; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

New eateries bring young vibe to downtown; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Going for a few hours or a weekend, MGM Springfield has it covered; Journal Inquirer; Tim Leininger

Regional C (Magazine)

Brunch basics; Seasons Magazine; Amy S. White

Spice up your summer; Seasons Magazine; Amy S. White

Visiting Corsica: Up and down and around the mountainous Mediterranean idyll; Hartford Magazine; David Holahan, Kyn Tolson

So pretty…but never again in their gardens; Hartford Magazine; Deborah Hornblow

A chef who makes kindness a key ingredient; Connecticut Magazine; Erik Ofgang

A taste of paradise; Seasons Magazine; Frank Rizzo

I’ll take Sweden: A midsummer dream in Stockholm; Hartford Magazine; Frank Rizzo

A place for all; Connecticut Voice; Frank Rizzo

Bloomin’ wonderful; Seasons Magazine; Lori Miller Kase

In the courtroom and concert hall, Marjorie Shansky’s double life of (not) leisure; New Haven Biz; Michael C. Bingham

Tourism in CT: ‘We need to get in the game’; New Haven Biz; Michelle Tuccitto Sullo

Milford’s many charms make it more than just a beach town; Connecticut Magazine; Mike Wollschlager

The Recycle House; Hartford Magazine; Nancy Schoeffler

Stamp collecting is not licked yet; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Blind Pig Pizza; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Chandler Steakhouse; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Crave Restaurant; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

People across Connecticut are creating a pollinator pathway for bees and butterflies; Connecticut Magazine; Theresa Sullivan Barger


Local Reporting


Magnet lottery rigged for suburbanites; New Haven Independent; Christopher Peak

Black bear sightings on the rise; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio

Library grand reopening draws Lamont, large crowds;; James Lomuscio

Centuries-old mystery solved by Westport Historical Society; Westport News; Liana Teixeira

Branford bans plastic bags at retail checkout; The Sound; Pam Johnson

A little bit of mercy – A Darien family’s loss to addiction; Darien Times; Susan Shultz

Regional A

Missing money, lax oversight in Bridgeport scrap-for-cash scandal; Connecticut Post; Bill Cummings

CT’s lagging population growth a ‘ticking time bomb’ for congressional seat; New Haven Register; Brian Zahn

Sackler family opioid fortune backed CT charter schools; New Haven Register; Brian Zahn

Critics worry New Haven schools sacrifice counselors for security guards.; New Haven Register; Brian Zahn

Congdon reflects on 24 years at Preston’s helm; The Day; Claire Bessette

Working Families Party just Democrats thwarting true minority representation, some say; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan

Zoning official: Temporary road built at Quinnipiac president’s home without permits; New Haven Register; Clare Dignan

Former Hartford Mayor Carrie Saxon Perry’s death a year ago is cloaked in mystery; Hartford Courant; Dave Altimari, Rebecca Lurye

Beehive bridge in New Britain; Hartford Courant; Don Stacom

New Haven rabbi’s power was absolute until student abuse claims arose; New Haven Register; Ed Stannard

Q bridge in New Haven rated ‘fair’ after two years, with many small cracks; New Haven Register; Ed Stannard

Water seeps from New Haven power plant site into polluted Mill River; New Haven Register; Ed Stannard

Abuse of power; Hartford Courant; Emily Brindley

Foul, then foreclosure: Benham Road tenants left in the lurch; The Day; Erica Moser

Plagued by crime; Waterbury Republican-American; Harrison Connery

Crumbling foundations; Hartford Courant; Kathleen McWilliams

Middletown’s young mayor candidate; Hartford Courant; Kathleen McWilliams

Boys and Girls Clubs’ officials fought to kill CT oversight bill; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon

Groton City looks to revitalize ‘cute little’ Thames Street; The Day; Kimberly Drelich

Branford’s Stony Creek granite chosen for new Statue of Liberty Museum; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Good music and gratitude shine bright for ailing guitar icon George Baker; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Viral racist incident in East Haven should not reflect on town, residents say; New Haven Register; Mark Zaretsky

Brigid Curtin obituary; Hartford Courant; Mikaela Porter

Panhandlers talk about what they do, while New Haven seeks ways to help them; New Haven Register; William Lambert

Regional B

First responders reflect one year after North Haven explosion injured SWAT members; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Plymouth girl to star in Nickelodeon movie; The Bristol Press; Brian M. Johnson

Possible archeological site could block work at Nutmeg Spice; The Bristol Press; Brian M. Johnson

The city’s Pride Festival was a momentous occasion for city native Christopher Barone; Middletown Press; Cassandra Day

Volunteers helping to restore Haddam’s shad shack, relic of town’s fishing past; Middletown Press; Cassandra Day

College kids also need help; The Chronicle; Claire Galvin

Camillo’s record reflects his values; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

Harbor moorings; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

Opportunity blocks; Greenwich Time; David Rafferty

After being shot in 2015, Torrington man looks ahead to fulfilling life; Register Citizen; Emily Olson

Torrington firefighters hold 9/11 ceremony with field of flags, North Tower beam; Register Citizen; Emily Olson

Hartford’s exorbitant commercial property tax curbs economic growth; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro, Matt Pilon

 ‘They’re wrong’: Embattled Norwalk school board member tries to clear name; The Hour; Justin Papp

Nature lovers get case of bobcat bliss; The Chronicle; Lisa Massicotte

‘One giant leap for mankind’; The Chronicle; Michelle Firestone, Claire Galvin, Lisa Massicotte

Parents heavy with concern over lead; Journal Inquirer; Michelle France

The surprisingly controversial history of appointing acting mayors; The Bristol Press; Susan Corica

Greenwich’s Hoarding Task Force is busier than you might think; Greenwich Time; Tatiana Flowers

Norwalk homeless shelter under state investigation; The Hour; Tatiana Flowers

Regional C  (Magazine)

Beating the heat; Today Magazine; Bruce Deckert

Regional D (Broadcast)

How do you pronounce Norfolk?; NBC 30; Heidi Voight, Gregg Monte

Foreclosed dreams; NBC 30; Len Besthoff, Dave Mulligan


News Photo


Attempting to save a seal at Compo;; Gordon Joseloff

Fiery Merritt Crash injures four;; Gordon Joseloff

Trying to figure out how to get through;; Helen Klisser During

Angry Norwalk argues case with Norwalk Police officer; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Barbis sworn in, under protest; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Rilling celebrates fourth electoral victory; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

View from above: Westport stands in solidarity with Christchurch;; Ryan Felner


News Photo

Regional A

Grandparent raising grandchildren; Connecticut Post; Brian Pounds

Man dies after wires, tree fall on vehicle on Fairfield-Bridgeport line; Connecticut Post; Christian Abraham

Body search; The Day; Dana Jensen

Candlelight vigil; The Day; Dana Jensen

Sailors on parade; The Day; Dana Jensen

Mayor’s daughter groomed for administering his oath of office; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon

Climate strike; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Hussle and smoke; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Inaugural hair day; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Graduation goodbye; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Mad dash; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Quilt of Valor; The Day; Sarah Gordon

First assignments; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

First kiss; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Horse rescue; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Regional B

Dickinson wins 19th term as Wallingford mayor; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Elvis makes appearance at former city councilor’s funeral; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Surprise education grant; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Test train crossing horn irks neighbors; Record-Journal; Dave Zajac

Dulos out on bail; The Hour; Erik Trautmann

Mueller report protest; The Hour; Erik Trautmann

Breakfast with Stew Leonard Jr.; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Glider through the roof; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Ember alert; Journal Inquirer; Jim Michaud

High stepping; Stamford Advocate; Matthew Brown

Honoring a fallen teammate; Stamford Advocate; Matthew Brown

Kids for the climate; Greenwich Time; Matthew Brown

Car crash; The Bristol Press; Mike Orazzi

Truck fire; The Bristol Press; Mike Orazzi

Fire destroys Tops Market; Record-Journal; Richie Rathsack

UConn protest against racism; The Chronicle; Roxanne Pandolfi

Heartbroken friends, family gather for vigil, call for ‘justice for Valerie’; Greenwich Time; Tyler Sizemore


Non-Page 1 Layout


Fighting apocalypse fatigue, one exhibit at a time; Harbor News; Jennifer Corthell

Regional A

College basketball preview; Hartford Courant; Chris Moore

Travelers Championship; Hartford Courant; Chris Moore

Cover story; New Haven Register; Sue Nusbaum

Oceans apart; New Haven Register; Sue Nusbaum

Irreverent reverence; New Haven Register; Susan Nusbaum

Regional B

MLB veteran hoping to get back into affiliated baseball; New Britain Herald; Bradford Carroll

Regional C (Magazine)

12 gift ideas; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Wacky contraptions; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Rise and dine: Connecticut’s best breakfast; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody

The bud boom: Cannabis is coming, and so is a complex new ecosystem revolving around it.; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody


Page 1 Layout

Regional A

Under siege; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Flynn

Remember D-Day; The Day; John Ruddy

A place for goodbye; The Day; Melissa Johnson, Jacinta Meyers

Regional B

Superintendent out on Halloween; The Chronicle; Jennifer Lemanski

A stormy day; The Chronicle; Lauren Flaum

Trump impeached; Middletown Press; Sue Nusbaum

Love wins; News-Times; Susan Nusbaum

Ned’s North Haven; Greenwich Time; Susan Nusbaum

Regional C (Magazine)

Handmade holidays — Unique creations from local artisans; Connecticut Magazine; Alyson Bowman

Christmas gifts made in Connecticut; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Imagine the future; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

Women of distinction; Hartford Magazine; Chris Moore

How long will you live? The surprising ways your community may affect your life expectancy; Connecticut Magazine; Greg Moody


Photo Essay


Scenes from Nov. 19 Norwalk BoE meeting – Will there be a repeat Tuesday?; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Photo review of November; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Some Norwalk photos #3a: More mall; NancyonNorwalk; Nancy Guenther Chapman

Regional A

A mosque rebuilds; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Prison hosts family dance; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Cricket comes to New London; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Freedom on ice; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Reporting for duty; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Elf off the shelf; Connecticut Post; Sue Nusbaum, Brian A. Pounds

Regional B

Police officer honored; The Hour; Erik Trautmann

Feats of clay; Greenwich Time; Sue Nusbaum, Matthew Brown

Helium heroes; The Hour; Sue Nusbaum, Tyler Sizemore

Regional C (Magazine)

Work of art; Seasons Magazine; Allegra Anderson

James Whiteside: This Connecticut native and dancer has all the right moves; Connecticut Voice; Amber Jones

Final destination; Seasons Magazine; Stan Godlewski

Made with love; Seasons Magazine; Todd Fairchild




All of us together; Valley Courier; Pem McNerney

Regional A

Monsignor demands apology; Connecticut Post; Daniel Tepfer

The rise and fall of Rev. Daniel McSheffery; Hartford Courant; Dave Altimari

Anti-semitism in Connecticut: A short history; Connecticut Post; Jordan Fenster

Regional B

Parental rights undermined?; Journal Inquirer; Jessica Lerner

Mother Mary: In Riverside, residents unearth, restore a sacred part of the past; Greenwich Time; Jo Kroeker

Startup broadcaster brings EWTN programming to WNLK-AM; Fairfield County Business Journal; Phil Hall

Regional C (Magazine)

Embracing tradition: Interfaith families; Seasons Magazine; Cara McDonough

Nearer to God; Hartford Magazine; Rand Richards Cooper

Regional D (Broadcast)

Questions of faith: Exclusive survey of Catholic church employees; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle


Reporting Series


Talk of the Town: Reviewing the Connecticut General Assembly with elected officials; Town Times – Prime Publishers; Gabriel Pietrorazio, Nicholas Perugini

For the kids: Person of the week; Valley Courier; Rita Christopher

Regional A

Sewage overflows: Legal but tainted (3-parts); Connecticut Health I-Team; Christine Woodside, Melanie Stengel

Harassed at work; Connecticut Post; Kaitlyn Krasselt, Emilie Munson

Your money, your state; Connecticut Post; Ken Dixon, Bill Cummings, Kaitlyn Krasset, Dan Haar

CuriousCT; The Day; Staff

Older workers; The Day; Staff

Solutions for Connecticut’s cities; Connecticut Mirror; Tom Condon

Regional B

Broken system: Examining Hartford’s high and inequitable tax structure; Hartford Business Journal; Greg Bordonaro, Matt Pilon, Sean Teehan

Surviving and healing from trauma; Journal Inquirer; Olivia Regen

The slow return of housing; Stamford Advocate; Paul Schott

Rise and fall of pro baseball in New Britain; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Regional D (Broadcast)

Hidden in plain sight: Mysterious places you never knew were in Connecticut; NBC 30; Dan Corcoran, Jon Wardle

Sisters for life; WFSB; Denise D’Ascenzo, Eric Budney, Tracy Furey

Romance schemes are costing online daters millions; NBC 30; Sandra Jones


Sports Column

Regional A

All in the Division III family with Jim Calhoun; Connecticut Post; Jeff Jacobs

Jack Street touchdown pass for Newtown; Connecticut Post; Jeff Jacobs

Jeff Jacobs: Faherty allegations, admissions scandal leave Yale in a place it doesn’t want to be; Connecticut Post; Jeff Jacobs

No bathing suit, no problem for this Berlin woman; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

Flipping the script; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

From a dark place, triumph; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

How little we know; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Regional B

Video clip provides motivation for CCSU football; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

Time to move on, dad; The Chronicle; Michael Sypher

Merge was spark to title for Innovation basketball; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester


Sports Feature


North Haven football supports Zak Radziunas at 15th annual Spring Brawl; North Haven Courier; Chris Piccirillo

First Tee teaches golf, life skills; Glastonbury LIFE; Mara Dresner

GHS girls’ rugby taking it to the next level; Greenwich Sentinel; Paul Silverfarb


Sports Feature

Regional A

Fighting back; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Young athletes confront pressure to specialize in a single sport, despite risks; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Critics worry about prep transfer trend; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman, Shawn McFarland

The oral history of the 1999 NCAA Championship-winning UConn men’s basketball team 20 years later; Hartford Courant; Chris Brodeur

After Hurricane Marina, Paula Hernandez finds a home with Woodstock Academy volleyball;; Dave Stewart

Milford native, Notre Dame-West Haven grad Josh MacDonald has overseen unprecedented success; New Haven Register; David Borges

UConn commit Jalen Gaffney is latest in a long line of ‘brothers’ bonded by basketball.; New Haven Register; David Borges

Baseball’s timeless tale; Hartford Courant; Dom Amore

Batmen; Waterbury Republican-American; Harrison Connery

Nick Mastroni fondly remembers winning first-ever Borck championship; New Haven Register; Joe Morelli

Breaking barriers; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

‘Chelsea’s right there with them’; Hartford Courant; Lori Riley

Lack of respect; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Seeing a world of possibilities; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony

Miami-bound QB Van Dyke leads Suffield Academy into showdown with Avon Old Farms for NEPSAC title;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Dubreuil has written her athletic history in East Lyme … and rewritten it; The Day; Vickie Fulkerson

Regional B

CCSU football player meets girl whose life he saved; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

Bristol volleyball rivalry heats up; New Britain Herald; Paul Angilly

Capstone project tackles social issue; The Chronicle; Richard Zalusky

Trevethan dedicates state title to beloved mentor; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Regional C (Magazine)

A question of fairness; Connecticut Voice; Dawn Ennis

For love of the game; Seasons Magazine; John Torsiello

Foundation honors the legacy and values of Walter Camp; Seasons Magazine; John Torsiello

Going to the mat; WAG Magazine; Phil Hall

Game on: Special Olympics celebrates 50th; Seasons Magazine; Teresa Pelham

Regional D (Broadcast)

Changing the game; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

Meeting your match; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

50 for father; NBC 30; Matt Finkel

Blind baseball broadcaster; NBC 30; Matt Finkel

One-handed MMA fighter excels and inspires; NBC 30; Matt Finkel


Sports News


Old Saybrook boys’ soccer claims second-straight state title; Harbor News; Chris Negrini

Regional A

How youth baseball leagues adjust to low participation; Hartford Courant; Alex Putterman

Ray Allen not happy with the way UConn has treated Kevin Ollie since his firing; New Haven Register; David Borges

NCAA hits Ollie with 3-year penalty; Hartford Courant; Dom Amore

No one has transferred off the UConn men in 30 months; Hartford Courant; Dom Amore

UConn on the verge of joining the Big East; Hartford Courant; Mike Anthony, Dan Brechlin

A week to remember, reflect for Newtown football team;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Brian Mazzone is back on the sideline coaching; Hartford Courant; Shawn McFarland

Esports is sweeping the nation; Hartford Courant; Shawn McFarland

UConn advances to 12th straight Final Four; The Day; Vickie Fulkerson

Regional B

New Canaan’s Drew Pyne inspired by 8-year-old Ryan Berg’s battle against cancer; Stamford Advocate; Dave Stewart

CCSU football wins NEC championship; New Britain Herald; David Glovach

New challenge awaits veteran coach; The Chronicle; Michael Sypher

Threat of EEE virus reschedules sporting events; New Britain Herald; Paul Angilly

Southington baseball beats New Britain; New Britain Herald; Ryan Chichester

Regional D (Broadcast)

Meeting your match; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

Patriots Super Bowl sendoff; WFSB; Elliott Polakoff

The Yard Goats Hispanic heritage; NBC 30; Miguel Santiesteban


Sports Photo


Celebrating;; Chris Greer

Commanding attention; North Haven Courier; Kelley Fryer

Regional A

Fly ball at the fence; New Haven Register; Arnold Gold

Yale Coach Brown’s 300th Win; New Haven Register; Arnold Gold

Yale/Harvard football protest; New Haven Register; Arnold Gold

A goal in the rain; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

The speed of light; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Two sides of the coin; Hartford Courant; Brad Horrigan

Flying high; Connecticut Post; Christian Abraham

Dejected finalist; The Day; Dana Jensen

Goalie collision; The Day; Dana Jensen

Quarterfinal winners; The Day; Dana Jensen

Flippin’ good kick; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon

Opening punch; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon

Foul reflection; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Out of bounds; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Running blind; Hartford Courant; Mark Mirko

Bending save;; Matthew Brown

Incomplete;; Matthew Brown

Powder wave;; Matthew Brown

Moon framed field goal;; Peter Hvizdak

Basketball scramble; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Soaring soccer; The Day; Sarah Gordon

Flagrant foul; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Hoop and the harm; The Day; Sean D. Elliot

Proud papa; The Day; Sean D. Elliot


Sports Photo

Regional B

Fighting for the ball; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Football hurdle; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Ryan McAleer’s steal, halfcourt buzzer-beater; Stamford Advocate; Dave Stewart

OT goal lifts Wilton; The Hour; Erik Trautmann

U.S. Women’s soccer fans celebrate; News-Times; H John Voorhees III

Weston stops Barlow, HS football; News-Times; H John Voorhees III


Video Storytelling


Fedor hopes ‘The Barnacle’ will reduce towing of illegally parked cars; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Ramirez honored by Norwalk Police, city leaders; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Kitchen fire knocks out Cranbury eatery; NancyonNorwalk; Harold F. Cobin

Regional A

Danbury’s Rosetti overcomes speech impediment to standout at QB;; Pete Paguaga

GameTimeCT’s Joe Morelli faces off against Xavier’s Chris Fosdick;; Pete Paguaga

On final play, Newtown wins Class LL title on anniversary of Sandy Hook;; Pete Paguaga

Take a video tour of Derby’s new Ryan Sports Complex and JR Payden Field House;; Sean Patrick Bowley

The 2019 CIAC class L football championship: St. Joseph vs. Hand;; Sean Patrick Bowley

Regional B

Platt, Maloney add to rivalry lore; Record-Journal; Aaron Flaum

Kensington State Fish Hatchery supervisor talks fishing season; Record-Journal; Ashley Kus

Middlefield bladesmith competes on History Channel show; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Woman recovers at Gaylord in Wallingford after fall that partially paralyzed her; Record-Journal; Bailey Wright

Owners ‘devastated,’ fire officials investigate blaze at Tops Marketplace in Southington; Record-Journal; Richie Rathsack, Mary Ellen Godin

Watch special needs man bring joy, music to Greenwich; Greenwich Time; Tyler Sizemore, Tatiana Flowers

Regional D (Broadcast)

The cobbler; NBC 30; David Mulligan

Turf manager; NBC 30; David Mulligan

Making bats for the big league; Telemundo Connecticut; Miguel Santiesteban

CTSPJ annual dinner, Journalism Hall of Fame and FOI awards canceled due to COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the Connecticut SPJ to cancel this year’s Excellence in Journalism dinner.

We are in the midst of a global news story that will, if it hasn’t already, impact every town in the country.

Now is the time journalists rally so we can report on this evolving news story as it develops. But we must also be careful, from practicing social distancing to washing our hands more often to stop the spread of the corona-virus.
That being said, it’s prudent the Connecticut SPJ use that same advice.
Although we are sad to announce this news, the CT SPJ board voted unanimously on Sunday to not hold the annual Excellence in Journalism awards dinner scheduled for May 21 at the Hawthorne.
With no dinner planned, the CT SPJ will also not make any inductions into the Connecticut Journalism Hall of Fame and present no winners for the Helen M. Loy Freedom of Information Award this year.
The contest judging will continue. We had more than 800 entries into our contest this year, and we are in the process of swapping entries with the Utah Chapter of SPJ. We plan to announce the winners of the contest on May 21 on our Facebook page and on our website. Stay tuned.
Please continue your hard work over the next several months and please stay safe.
Copyright 2010-2017. Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists, P.O. Box 5071, Woodbridge CT 06525