Self-care for journalists

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

If you’re feeling tired and worn down from this seemingly never-ending election season, you are not alone. This has been a trying year, and the additional stress of journalism and journalists being under attack is exhausting.

We all need to take some time to breathe, look after ourselves, and be kind and supportive to one another.

Here are some resources that might help:

Critical Stress Help Sheet from the National Press Photographers Association 

Johnny Webber’s Life Assessment Checklist

Doctors give advice on how to relax from election stress

How journalists can address their own mental health, from the International Journalists’ Network 

The DART Center also offers lots of tips, resources and training for newsrooms

Finally, if you are a journalist who regularly covers traumatic or really stressful events or topics, you can apply to join the Journalists Covering Trauma Facebook group (yes, covering the pandemic counts as trauma). 

Stay safe, and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local SPJ chapter with questions or concerns. 

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