Lessons From Citizen Journalists
While we’re talking about about raising standards for both citizens and journalists reporting the news, I don’t want the assumption to be that only citizens can improve.
There’s a lot practiced, professional journalists can learn from citizen journalists as well.
One of the most important lessons was featured in a Nieman Journalism Lab blog post this week: Report news how you’d like to consume news.
It’s a simple premise, but often overlooked during the grind of reporting stories — especially breaking news stories.
And it’s one that citizen journalists, by nature, are better at doing.
Gina Chen, in her post on Nieman Lab, gives tips for how journalists can improve their breaking news reporting. It includes the simple notion that some AP Style guidelines don’t make sense in a digital world.
Another tip: Use social media like the rest of the world uses social media.
(Full disclosure — This premise was learned from Eugene Driscoll, the author’s editor. Read his direct words in his article in Street Fight Magazine.)
Most citizens don’t sign up for Twitter and Facebook to drive traffic to their personal blogs. They do it to be part of a community, learn about other people and find interesting stories through links.
There has to be a balance — even for journalists.
Facebook and Twitter shouldn’t be dumping grounds for RSS feeds. They should be places where journalists can engage with their readers and learn about their communities.
So what other lessons can journalists learn from citizen journalists? Weigh in on Facebook or in the comments field here.
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